Cornish Thread

I've got a couple of crosses I should be able to get going in February. I'm going to try the broiler rooster over a Cornish hen and vice versa.I've also got some Barred Rocks and Dorkings that will get thrown into the mix.This year is going to be about building isolation pens and breeding

I'm curious, why the barred rock? I think I understand the other crosses. Nice meat birds for sure. Cornish rooster over dorking hen used to be the preferred meat bird in England, so that should work nicely. I think dorkings still consistently win taste tests.

I'm going to find some hatching eggs and hatch a few more dark cornish. I'd like to keep a pure line going of that breed.
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Actually the Barred Plymouth rock was one of the breeds used in the original Cornish cross for  commercial use.

True, although the majority of Barred Plymouth Rocks these days are production type and really quite lacking in dual purpose qualities. Now a true heritage bloodline Plymouth Rock, that would make a nice meat bird when crossed with Cornish, that's why it was used in the original cross. It's just that real Rocks are pretty far out numbered by the common production types these days, so I think it's pretty common to assume the bird in question is hatchery stock when someone mentions a "Barred Rock."
just dropped back and caught up on the comments. I've thought about going the bantam route. There are a lot more (imo) excellent SOP type birds available than the LF. I've seen some spectacular bantam Cornish and white Plymouth rocks.
Hello again ya'll. I've been without internet for a couple of months. I also like the bantams. I have 3 roo's and 1 not Cornish bantam hen right now. Not the right combo but look neat running around.

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