Cornish X Bad Leg - Pictures


6 Years
May 2, 2013
Northeastern Illinois
Cornish Cross is 4 1/2 week old. The right leg does not bend correctly. Top photo is from behind, bottom is from the front. The joint is not solid at all. We first noticed it a week ago. It didn't seem to be painful a week ago, but now she reacts if I touch her leg.

She has stopped putting weight on it when standing but still attempts to walk on it. I've moved her to a small pen to reduce her movements.

Anyone know what may be wrong and if it can be helped?

Well, it's definitely hurting her, if she doesn't want to put weight on it. What kind of environment do you keep them in? I'm just wondering if there's some way she could have gotten her foot caught in some wire or something and wrenched it.
We noticed it as we moved her from the brooder to the chicken tractor. The brooder was an old bathtub with no wires and the drain hole was covered. . I kept about 2 inches of wood shavings in the bottom. One week outdoors and it seemed to be worse so I have now moved her back into a smaller pen so she won't move around too much. Unfortunately, she is now pretty lonely.

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