Cornish X grit question (size)


10 Years
Apr 29, 2011
Northwest Indiana
Hi everyone! I'm so glad BYC is here for these questions!

I'm almost out of chick grit, but I have a huge bucket of regular size chicken grit. My meaties are 4 1/2 weeks and pretty good sized. Can I give them the regular grit or will it hurt them? Or Is it better for them to just have chick grit the whole way through?

Thank you!
They're outside in a large area most of the day AND I'm feeding them corn &scratch grains mixed with their feed. So, they do need access to grit. I just read on another thread that you can actually use a hammer and crush the adult grit. I might try that to feel better about it. Thanks for your reply!

LOVE your tagline, donrae! Congratulations! We are working and looking forward to the day we can say that as well!
Let me tell you, I screamed "I'M DEBT FREE!!!" all day! And for several weeks, whenever someone asked how I was, just like at the checkout line or something similar, I'd respond "I'm debt free, how are you doing?" That could be quite a conversation starter, or stopper depending. Keep that gazelle intensity and it'll be the best feeling!

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