Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on MSNBC Thursday that New York City plans to "fully reopen" on July 1, with no restrictions on restaurants, retail, or any other business.

I think that makes sense. I like the fact that they looked at the data in making the decision, rather than being pressured by economic and social special interests.

"We said a month or so ago, it was the variants versus the vaccination, what was going to win, which one was going to win the race. Vaccination is winning this race ... 6.3 million vaccinations, COVID is plummeting,"

"We're focused on the data and the science. That's how we've made every decision, that's what's worked. And the data and the science are saying, out loud, it's time to come back."

People aren't always going to use common sense hence why I said make sure YOUR protected as well as you can be, then it won't matter what they do
Sure, but anytime you say "she should have worn her mask properly", which you did, that means you are interested in/ concerned about what others do or don't do.

It's perfectly valid to feel that way!

She should have worn her mask properly
He should have gotten vaccinated or stayed at home if he is unprotected
She should not have gone in to work while she was having symptoms of covid

People have those thoughts all the time; there's nothing wrong with it. 🙂
Those statistics include the variants? 94 % will not get covid?

So far, it appears that most of the variants that have emerged are covered by the vaccine. Most of them have changes in some other part of the virus particle, not the spike protein that the vaccines target. The strain from South Africa was causing concern for scientists, but so far the vaccine appears to be working well enough. I will go look up to see if there have been enough cases to calculate a vaccine efficacy rate different than 94%.
I use common sense when I go out in public even tho I am not taking the vaccine and don't wear a mask, I maintain safe distance and would certainly not go out if I had any symptoms. If I want to shop in a privately owned store who requests a mask be worn I put one on even tho our state does not require them. Its common sense and common decency
Those statistics include the variants? 94 % will not get covid?

OK, back!

JnJ is less effective. 72% efficacy in the US versus 54% in South Africa. Vaccine recipients may still get ill, but not as severely as unvaccinated cases.

Pfizer has observed a decrease in antibody production when animal models were challenged with the South African variant versus the others. No one in South Africa vaccinated with Pfizer has gotten the variant, which means it is working at 100% (so far). An interesting sidenote: the South African virus was detected in their nasal passages, which strengthens the argument that the vaccine prevents illness, even after exposure. That said, those people could ALSO be asymptomatic carriers -- which is the best argument to keep wearing a mask until enough people are vaccinated.

Moderna has not collected enough data yet to know if their vaccine's efficacy has changed.
It's not that simple. I've had Covid snd am now fully vaccinated. I wear a mask and try to distance. But the other day I had to go to my vet's to buy cat food. A young woman came in with a mask down around her chin and stood right next to me. I moved away. Later, having bought two bags of food, I struggled to get them into my car (I walk with a cane). She came up behind me and spoke practically in my ear, nearly giving me a heart attack, asking if I needed help. Although I really did, I thanked her and refused and moved away from her again. I realized then that I really fear the possible variants of this disease. Having had Covid once and having a weak immune system, I don't want to get it again. I just want people to wear masks and stay away from me. I can't control what other people do.
Have you checked into They deliver pet food. If you are at risk, that is one I wouldn’t take.
Got this from the easy garden covid site...I like it for those of us not getting the vaccine

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