Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

That's not a bad idea, colds are infectious too. I've worked places that encouraged calling off for any infectious illness. Because even if others will eventually get it anyway, that doesn't mean it's a good time in their life to get sick.
I picked it up from one of my doctors (at work) who got it from her child. Fun times.

What I hate about life since Covid-19 showed up:

A few days ago I came down with a cold, you know, those annoying but not incapacitating illnesses that require some tissues, fluids, rest?

Well, I am supposed to go to work tomorrow (Monday). I have no fever, I just have to blow my nose on occasion, and have a slight cough. IF I go in I expect people will be asking me about my medical condition (HIPAA??).

And if ONE MORE person asks me if I have been tested for Covid I think I will scream.
Not every sniffle is Covid.
Not every illness requires "testing".

How did we survive our winter colds without tests prior to 2020?

Maybe I'll just take a day off...
Big money in those tests

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