Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Worth considering if you're suffering from Long Covid, or an adverse reaction to the shot:
I looked up the company and BBB has 2 stars
I looked up the company and BBB has 2 stars
View attachment 3648860
Just 7 reviews? Could be easily skewed with a couple people with an agenda.

But I wasn't promoting anything that was being sold on that site. My main interest is in the fasting, which I have also read about from other sources. Dr. Marik is one physician who appears to be a straight shooter. He was fired while actually saving his patients with off label treatments, something that used to be acceptable before government and hospitals created protocols for mandated treatments.

I also have read about the supplements that Dr. McCullough is recommending.

Fast, or don't. Take supplements, or don't. I'm just providing information.
Just 7 reviews? Could be easily skewed with a couple people with an agenda.

But I wasn't promoting anything that was being sold on that site. My main interest is in the fasting, which I have also read about from other sources. Dr. Marik is one physician who appears to be a straight shooter. He was fired while actually saving his patients with off label treatments, something that used to be acceptable before government and hospitals created protocols for mandated treatments.

I also have read about the supplements that Dr. McCullough is recommending.

Fast, or don't. Take supplements, or don't. I'm just providing information.

I was interested in a supplement they talked about.

I had blood work today so since I was already fasting I thought I would give it a try.... until I found a mostly thawed freezer and started cooking a ton of meat. Was too much and I only fasted 22 hrs. LOL
I intend to try fasting again.
I was interested in a supplement they talked about.

I had blood work today so since I was already fasting I thought I would give it a try.... until I found a mostly thawed freezer and started cooking a ton of meat. Was too much and I only fasted 22 hrs. LOL
I intend to try fasting again.
It was intresting because I am apparently addicted to food.
Of course we need it to live but I Love to eat and constantly think about it. :hmm
I wasn't hungry per say, and I only wanted to eat once.
But that one time lasted 72 hours! :lol:
It was intresting because I am apparently addicted to food.
Of course we need it to live but I Love to eat and constantly think about it. :hmm
I wasn't hungry per say, and I only wanted to eat once.
But that one time lasted 72 hours! :lol:
I agree. Of course as soon as I start all I can think about is food
It was intresting because I am apparently addicted to food.
Of course we need it to live but I Love to eat and constantly think about it. :hmm
I wasn't hungry per say, and I only wanted to eat once.
But that one time lasted 72 hours! :lol:
My dad used to say that some people eat to live, but he lived to eat! :lol:

He took supplements for years, ate nutritious food, kept active with daily bicycle rides until he lost his sense of balance about age 89. Then he took long walks at Walmart every morning, using a cart to steady himself. He also enjoyed his alcohol, 2-3 vodka and pineapple juice drinks, plus a small glass of brandy, daily. He lived independently until 94.

What I hate about life since Covid-19 showed up:

A few days ago I came down with a cold, you know, those annoying but not incapacitating illnesses that require some tissues, fluids, rest?

Well, I am supposed to go to work tomorrow (Monday). I have no fever, I just have to blow my nose on occasion, and have a slight cough. IF I go in I expect people will be asking me about my medical condition (HIPAA??).

And if ONE MORE person asks me if I have been tested for Covid I think I will scream.
Not every sniffle is Covid.
Not every illness requires "testing".

How did we survive our winter colds without tests prior to 2020?

Maybe I'll just take a day off...

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