Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Helen Reddy! Check out those pants. I saved some of my bell bottoms. Oh yes I did.
That was good!!!
See, I didn't know this. I was just so stoked to be up front, I thought I hit the jackpot. Well, the jackpot was knocked over and broken within seconds lol.
I was only 19 and had only been to one other concert but it was outside. This concert was inside a nightclub type thing which is not very big at all.
That’s totally understandable!!! I don’t blame you for not knowing!! I only know cause I’ve been going to shows for years lol but most people wouldn’t and it’s exciting and fun to be up front! I get it! Although tbh being up front is usually pretty safe, depending on the show. The pits are usually behind you. The biggest concern and main reason I don’t go up there is because of the crowd surfers. I don’t feel like having to be on high alert constantly and/or getting kicked in the head haha
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Do you dig to find crazy stuff each day?
Out of an abundance of caution, often as a result of general mistrust the the complete truthfulness of both politicians and media reports, and an insatiable desire to seek truth and knowledge, I stomp the boonies in search of factual data to support hunches with regard to the ever present "what if"s. Often what is discovered can ultimately be put to good use by those who strive to steer clear of unforseen danger by thinking outside the box and always being prepared.
That said, many will think it is just looking for crazy stuff or even paranoia to consider "what if" at all. But if what is dicovered could potentially help many, I believe in sharing it for their consideration.

I did not see it in the news, rather I had a hunch having heard awhile back that ancient glaciers have yielded viruses that were revived by scientists. I pondered "what if" coronavirus could also live an extended time if frozen (and there has been no one warning the public that it could be living on the packaging of food, and should sanitized before putting it long term frozen storage where it could otherwise remain viable a long time). So i found the above article, coincidentally dated March 31, 2020, and posted it to get you all thinking...

No, i don't, don't need to. I come by it naturally!
Today I heard that many of the elderly who are hit hardest by Covid are folks who grew up in the Depression and fought WWII and the Korean War. Don't know if those references apply there in India, Kabootar, but some of those folks have already lead traumatic lives and now some of them are dying alone.

If the Depression and WWII had lesser effects in the subcontinent, then I would imagine your elderly are the ones who experienced the trauma of ousting the British and then separating from Pakistan. Have I got that more or less right?

My nana apparently told my aunt that this is scarier than WWII. :(
It came from humans though because humans are messing with animals they shouldn't be, if it did come from an amimal. We have been killing off this world slowly and now the environment is fighting back.

Pangolins are critically endangered and people decide that they don't have to abide by laws. They sell them for top dollar too and no one bats an eyelash about it. Pretty disgusting honestly...

My dad sent me this video on March 11 - it shows how the virus went from one species to another and then to humans and why it was able to do that. It's rather frightening.
Here's another article about the ban on wildlife farming:
Alcohol kills the virus!
That is in a best case scenario, sadly we are being lied to.

if NOTHING had ever been, our death toll would be between 1 million and 1.2 million (Dr. Fauci on 3/21) I think alot of people want to know what it would be like had we done no interventions at all. It was also described as walking down the street and the dead are all over the place.
My dad sent me this video on March 11 - it shows how the virus went from one species to another and then to humans and why it was able to do that. It's rather frightening.
Here's another article about the ban on wildlife farming:
If we didn't poach endangered animals then maybe we would not have this problem. So sad honestly.

I feel like the world is falling apart and now my kids will be left with what we've done and destroyed
if NOTHING had ever been, our death toll would be between 1 million and 1.2 million (Dr. Fauci on 3/21) I think alot of people want to know what it would be like had we done no interventions at all. It was also described as walking down the street and the dead are all over the place.
Thanks for saying this because we can say all we want that nothing was done, but if nothing was done we would all be dead or at least most of us...

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