Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Why? I listen to read them all. We are best informed if we don't put us in a box and only get one side. If you need to know it was Vox news.

Because people should be held responsible for their actions. Link? I ran a few searches and can't find any reference beyond "someone else said it and we're reporting on that".

Oh, found one where they call it the wuhan corona virus. Hardly the Wu-Flu or chinese virus.
Edit; Haha, and also it's the name they used before it had an official name which didn't happen til after the article came out.
This is simply untrue. Here is Bill Gates in 2015 explaining exactly what we're seeing play out now:

He twice met with President-elect Trump in person to discuss how important it was to prepare for pandemic.

There is no excuse for being caught flat footed. There is no excuse for the lives that will be lost -- have been lost -- needlessly.

Bill Gates funded a pandemic simulation called “Event 201” back in October 2019 and everything they covered in that simulation is being done to me knowledge.
Fishing and hunting is illegal in my city. Wild plants are limited. Hard to add freezers to apartments. Concrete jungles don't have foragables. Even in the suburbs you're lucky to get some dandelions, and then only IF you don't get the cops called on you for taking plants from other peoples properties or looking like you "don't belong". (Bonus points; surviving/coming out unscathed when someone does call the cops on you. Especially for dumpster divers.) Many apartments ban pressure cookers, hot plates and deep fryers. I'm not sure where the nearest stream with living fish is... For years of my life I didn't have a lawn to garden or raise livestock... Many cities ban vegetable gardens in the front yard and livestock everywhere....

None of this is a good replacement for a trip to the grocery store.

All these things presume you have ability, space, privilege, and aren't so sick you can't actually do them. The ability to do these things - before or after getting sick - is NOT a given especially for people in certain situations or demographics.

Just because you can do something doesn't mean everyone can.
Sorry@chocolatemouse - i was only trying to tell you what my game plan is, as the criteria you listed apply to me (live alone only worse with an autistic on disablity, no social network unless you count BYC, can't afford delivery...)
My "plan" would obviously not work for everyone. I guess as you have now pointed out the rest of your dilemma, you can't raise chickens for free eggs either?

If my environment were as restrictive as it sounds like yours is, I would possibly move. And try to get some transportation of my own to increase my stomping ground.
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Because people should be held responsible for their actions. Link? I ran a few searches and can't find any reference beyond "someone else said it and we're reporting on that".

Oh, found one where they call it the wuhan corona virus. Hardly the Wu-Flu or chinese virus.
Edit; Haha, and also it's the name they used before it had an official name which didn't happen til after the article came out.
I really need to get some sleep, 4hrs if I'm lucky and back to work now, I WILL get to the two VOX articles, not that it really matters but if you want I will find them have them saved here somewhere.
Here's some others not Vox ;
Sorry@chocolatemouse - i was only trying to tell you what my game plan is, as the criteria you listed apply to me (live alone only worse with an autic on disablity, no social network unless you count BYC, can't afford delivery... My "plan" would obviously not work for everyone. I guess as you have now pointed out the rest of your dilemma, you can't raise chickens for free eggs either?
If my environment were as restrictive as it sounds like yours is, I would possibly move. And try to get some transportation of my own to increase my stomping ground.

It was meant to be a like "You know there are people are in situations they can't do those things in".

*I* live in a city where I can keep chickens. One or two neighborhoods over (like a 5-10 min drive) you can't even garden in your front lawn. And yeah, fishing and hunting is illegal in like 99% of suburbs and cities. Most people can't live in the countryside. That's a privilege too. I can't afford to move to the countryside. There's no college for D to attend. The company G works for doesn't have stores outside of the city. I would have no friends or family and my mental health can't handle that well.

Can't even dumpster dive if there aren't enough businesses to dumpster dive at. Not to mention transportation is another privilege. Plenty of folks walk or ride the bus everywhere. G walks to work every day. D rides the bus to campus because the lots are always full. We have a car, but we didn't until about 3 years ago. And it was a gift from D's grandma so he could make it to school when he wasn't on the bus route.

There's just so many scenarios where a trip to the grocery store while sick is a requirement for some folks. I just wanted to get people thinking about what situation THEY are in that other people aren't.

I mean, I raise chickens. But those eggs aren't free either. I pay for their feed, housing, medication, electricity for brooders and water bills. I don't have the space to free range my chickens and expect them to live well on that diet.
To me it is like calling varicella "chicken pox". Covid-19 originated in China hence aka Wuhan Coronavirus. I think some people try to create racism where there is none. I'll run along now and continue my social isolation with my flock. I just want us all to try to protect our most vulnerable (older generations). Encourage them to stay home, it's hard for them, hard headed they are!
I really need to get some sleep, 4hrs if I'm lucky and back to work now, I WILL get to the two VOX articles, not that it really matters but if you want I will find them have them saved here somewhere.
Here's some others not Vox ;

So, this quote;
"6 deaths, nearly 600 cases" in CHINA. Even at 800 deaths it still wasn't named. So that was when, like, January? Had to be before the 22nd. The virus wasn't named til late february. It literally did not have a name, only a place of origin. EVery one of these quotes is either contextless or distinctly before a name was released.

This is why checking your sources matters. THIS is EXACTLY what propaganda looks like. Equating official reporting of location and virus type before there's a name with calling it the "Wu-flu" or "chinese virus" is awful. It's a false equivalency.

It's like saying "Women who are on state welfare" vs "Welfare Queens". There's a BIG difference between the two. Context matters SO SO SO much!

You're 100% allowed to say "The coronoa virus that originated in wuhan". *Especially* while it's still only in wuhan. The moment the game changes and it's world wide, associating it only with chinese people does WAY more harm than good.
Naming guidelines used to include peoples names or locations. It used to be "location origin name + virus type + strain type" for naming. But WHO changed their guidelines to exclude that specifically to prevent stuff like this nonsense. Which also happened in 1918, and plenty of other times in history. It causes problems every time.
@Beer can
If you have something that isn't a propoganda video that outs itself as such in every single report with any context I'd be happy to look at it. :) :) But maybe check your sources and understand the actual complaints next time.

I will clarify; The problem has never been acknowledging it originating in Wuhan China, especially while that was the only place sick people were. The problem is and always has been the use of the name in a derogatory way when it's both unnecessary and no longer representative of the condition and people effected by it. It creates undue panic and violence and we have better options that don't do that. Continuing to do so willfully when there's a better option that everyone knows just fuels the problems.

THAT is where the criticism comes from. It's also why it's not named SARS, fyi, to not cause a panic even though it is in fact a SARS virus.
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