Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Our cat has decided to ignore the social distancing order. Over the past 3 days she has been spending all day in the coop, and has even started eating the mash. The chickens don't seem to mind her presence.


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Has anybody here ever had to de-skunk a cat? Gracie, our Sheltie, is skunk-proof, but our cat apparently did not get the memo that skunks on the property are not to be molested. 🙄. She is old enough to know better, too. Fortunately, DD is an amazing cat whisperer and was perfectly willing to deal with the problem, especially since I was up to my elbows in meat loaf. Bless her heart, and I mean that in the best way! Cat is now drying off and recovering her dignity on a mattress warmer on DD's bed. DD suffered no injuries, that's how good she is! 😀
My cat I had long time ago got skunked several times. I soaked him in homemade tomatoe juice down to the skin and left it on him for about a half hour, then a bath. Always took the smell right out.
Or, you can use this homemade formula.
1 qrt hydrogene peroxide
1/2 cup baking soda
1 teaspoon Dawn(blue)
Let it stay on 10 minutes, rinse well.

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