Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Mostly. I ended up having to process those cornish crosses the next day (not a big loss, that's what they were there for) because in their panic they beat their wings on the walls so hard they were bruised and broken. 😬 The hawk itself didn't actually do any real damage to them aside from a couple minor surface level nicks and cuts, they did it all to themselves.

My killer dog also tried to eat the hawk through the chicken wire 'cause she came out with me when I first woke up. She's a bit of a monster herself. I had to wait for her to get dragged back indoors by my partner before I could let the birds loose and that's when I snapped the picture.

It was a very chaotic morning that nobody was happy with, not me the hawk or the chickens! But it sure does make for a good story!
Haha, that's fair. This was several years ago before I got my rooster.

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This colossal idiot got itself stuck in my chicken tractor with four 6 MONTH cornish crosses I was sort of "detoxing" for a few weeks after getting for free on CL. (It made a big difference in their condition at the time. They'd been fed nothing but scratch and kept indoor in the dark at their old home.) I suspect it was the same bird that had eaten a couple of one month old cornish crosses that spring It saw white birds in the same spot and decided it was the same snack.

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The top was just a hole in the top with a loose bit of chicken wire over it and had popped open. From months of reaching arms in, the door bent into a funnel shape. The hawk managed to get in the top but found itself overwhelmed by the 14lb birds it tried to pick a fight with and couldn't get out.

I woke up to the birds making a bunch of noise, and it was muddy so I poked my head out and counted my CXs (who were all muddy and brownish) and realized I was counting an extra bird in with them(!?) so I threw on a hoodie and ran straight out. It was just leaping from wall to wall, then getting trampled by 60lbs of terrified cornish crosses, then jumping to the next wall. I ended up lifting the tractor to release all the birds at once and the hawk kinda stood there shell shocked.

I had a bunch of egg hens and chicks not 30' away I didn't want it to decide were next so I wrapped my hands and arms in blue jeans just in case it attacked me, and scooped it up and carried it out of the lawn. I was gonna send it to a rescue/rehab after that but it ended up recovering enough to fly away by the time I got through to them so I didn't.

Gives new meaning to biting off more than you can chew.
Here’s what I did with the bruschetta... I put it on toast with bacon, duck egg, and mozzarella.

My garden and flock have made life easier during this virus time

Mostly. I ended up having to process those cornish crosses the next day (not a big loss, that's what they were there for) because in their panic they beat their wings on the walls so hard they were bruised and broken. 😬 The hawk itself didn't actually do any real damage to them aside from a couple minor surface level nicks and cuts, they did it all to themselves.

My killer dog also tried to eat the hawk through the chicken wire 'cause she came out with me when I first woke up. She's a bit of a monster herself. I had to wait for her to get dragged back indoors by my partner before I could let the birds loose and that's when I snapped the picture.

It was a very chaotic morning that nobody was happy with, not me the hawk or the chickens! But it sure does make for a good story!
Cornish are a bunch of dummies 😂 Mine I just processed two days ago were ridiculous trying to run their fat selves away 🙄 They are in the fridge now aging until Wednesday then the freezer.
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Used what's left of the zucchini to make these zucchini oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! Probably the most filling cookie I've ever made, haha - I'm stuffed after eating 2 of them.
Those look terrific! :drool
Timely too because I was just wondering what to make with the shredded zucchini in the fridge. I have enough for fritters and about 4 other things. I'm almost afraid to go in the garden and look for more after several days of some good soaking rains.
Those look terrific! :drool
Timely too because I was just wondering what to make with the shredded zucchini in the fridge. I have enough for fritters and about 4 other things. I'm almost afraid to go in the garden and look for more after several days of some good soaking rains.

Oof, do you have a go-to recipe for fritters?
This was the recipe I used for the cookies: I found that I needed to add an extra 1/4 cup of flour and you *really* need to blot the zucchini but your mileage may vary.
Whenever I use zucchini, I squeeze it hard with my hands in a strainer and get it almost dry.

Only time I haven’t had to do that is with zucchini pickles.
Oh that's good to know, thanks! I made a brownie recipe that relied on the moisture from the zucchini to bind everything together so I assumed this recipe worked similarly.
Zucchini pickles... :drool

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