Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Clearly you knew that was BS. 🙄
Seriously though you guys cannot honestly expect everyone to act like and do the things you are doing. It will never happen. Some people just don’t care and no matter what you say they’ll never change their minds. Could be because they haven’t been affected...yet or it could be that they have already tested positive but showed no symptoms. That’s the real problem you’re just not going to be able to convince them otherwise. In a free thinking society a certain percentage of people just wont listen and won’t care.

Yep! That's OK as long as they get any sort of consequence for it so they rethink doing it next time.
That's what laws are for.
Drunk drivers still exist but many fewer when you have drunk driving laws.

I probably sound ignorant but , I for one would like to see multiple studies before I put a face diaper on..

They've been posted. If I link you to at least 5 will you agree to wear a mask? :)
Clearly you knew that was BS. 🙄
Seriously though you guys cannot honestly expect everyone to act like and do the things you are doing. It will never happen. Some people just don’t care and no matter what you say they’ll never change their minds. Could be because they haven’t been affected...yet or it could be that they have already tested positive but showed no symptoms. That’s the real problem you’re just not going to be able to convince them otherwise. In a free thinking society a certain percentage of people just wont listen and won’t care.
I have never thought I could nor have I tried to get everyone to change their minds. I simply go through my life and try to positively impact the lives of the people I DO come into contact with. Just because I may or may not make a huge impact, does not stop me from doing so.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke
I do apologize over the brownies. I did not mean to be hurtful but ya never know you *could* think brownies are supposed to be muffin like. 🤣
I accept the apology, although I was not serious about being upset by it. If you take nothing from this discussion, take this: Don't ever question whether a Southern Woman knows how to cook. :gig
Then I again discount your assertion. See how that works? I form an opinion based upon the presentation of evidence. :thumbsup
I have several graphs showing increase and several studies- masks only make you feel protected, so wash your hands! Wash your mask too! Not against wearing them just is a false sense of security- especially when the general public wear them. I spend hours of training on cross contamination and PPE personal Protection Equipment.
I would rather see you wash your hands and stay home when sick.
? The cases are going up here. I said the masks haven’t proven to be effective in preventing the case count from rising.
Your opinion seems to be that all people in your state are doing everything correctly- which means that those guidelines aren’t working very well because of the rising case count. How is that any more factual than their opinion that people who aren’t following those guidelines are the reason for cases going up?
I have never thought I could nor have I tried to get everyone to change their minds. I simply go through my life and try to positively impact the lives of the people I DO come into contact with. Just because I may or may not make a huge impact, does not stop me from doing so.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ― Edmund Burke
Which brings it all back around to the reason I’m here in the first place. People just continue to ridicule others who think differently than them in this thread. Jokes and people calling others stupid for not wearing a mask or going out and about.
Yep! That's OK as long as they get any sort of consequence for it so they rethink doing it next time.
That's what laws are for.
Drunk drivers still exist but many fewer when you have drunk driving laws.

They've been posted. If I link you to at least 5 will you agree to wear a mask? :)
I will consider it . :)

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