Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

My thought, feather, is that everyone who is vaccinated is one less person in the way of those forced to wait and one less source of potential infection while they are still vulnerable.

It flat out sucks that so many will have to continue to wait but it's its own silver lining, if you will. And I say that as a mother who is also waiting for my adult children and my 10yo grandson to be safe too.
Yes, absolutely! And I'm really, really glad the vaccines started with the older population and healthcare workers. I'm happy to wait my turn while others who are at greater risk, immunocompromised, older, essential workers, etc. get theirs.

What a relief that there's a vaccine! I just wish it had a faster rollout.
New York is not so much poorly managed as it is densely populated. The more people there are in a given area, the greater the rate of transmission.
Nah, it was poorly managed fact is the truth finally has came out that our Gov was lying.
New York City is densely populated not New York State. The state itself has not been heavily hit majority of the counties still have pretty low covid rates. Some hot spots when college started but dropped and low death rate in those hot spots started by colleges opening up.
All upstate N.Y. schools have been open since Sept. Restaurant's have been open for months now and even casino's. I can't find the date they opened cause Google just wants to show me NYC info. There is two sets of rules here in NY, one for the city and another for the state.
Ivermectin combination therapy is the answer to all of that. Give it to everyone for pennies like India. Someone gets Rona, then give them and all those in contact with them ivermectin and they will get better. Then they will also have immunity. Herd immunity will happen gradually with almost no deaths from Rona itself. Just earlier in this thread there are pro covid vaccine people asking if the vax will keep one from catching and transmitting Rona!!! There are a lot of unknowns with the vax but not so with ivermectin combo therapy. Its a straight road to beating the pandemic. Instead half the country is hell bent on taking the winding road to an unsure destination woth lots of blind turns.
There was two things that happened when New York's curve dropped. I'd have to look back to find the actual #s but two things happened, one our Governor ordered a hundred thousand doses of the Ivermectin combination, and two the Fed's came in investigating the numbers. Never did hear what worked but whichever of the two one of them flattened and drastically dropped the curve.
The two positions are not mutually exclusive. New York had its problems and made serious mistakes but considering the population density they would have been overwhelmed anyway. As for overflowing hospitals, that is not just an NYC problem. In LA they were rationing treatment a few weeks ago. People that they felt couldn't be helped were sent home so staff could concentrate on the ones that were salvageable. Not long ago the hospitals in Stanislaus and Merced counties in California were filled to 100% capacity. There was not a single bed to be found. If you were in a car accident or were having a heart attack you were SOL. I no longer live there but I have friends that do. There are quite a few sizeable hospitals in that area too. I know because I was a patient at one time or another in several of them.
The prob in NY IMHO was during the beginning the 'experts' said it was going to be way worse than it ended up being. Our Governor paniced and never did use the USNS Comfort brought in, never did use the Javits Center, never did use many field hospitals set up. Sent covid positive patients to nursing homes because he thought hospitals would be over run. Our Governor confiscated ventilators from upstate, the previous administration sent NY many more ventilators, and he never did use all that he already had in storage. Our Governor lied about the nursing home deaths, it was twice as bad as he claimed and he's still trying to deflect the blame.
Instead of coming out and admitting he screwed up based on the information he was given at the time, should've could've would've would have been a lot better than lying.
The prob in NY IMHO was during the beginning the 'experts' said it was going to be way worse than it ended up being. Our Governor paniced and never did use the USNS Comfort brought in, never did use the Javits Center, never did use many field hospitals set up. Sent covid positive patients to nursing homes because he thought hospitals would be over run. Our Governor confiscated ventilators from upstate, the previous administration sent NY many more ventilators, and he never did use all that he already had in storage. Our Governor lied about the nursing home deaths, it was twice as bad as he claimed and he's still trying to deflect the blame.
Instead of coming out and admitting he screwed up based on the information he was given at the time, should've could've would've would have been a lot better than lying.

Thank you for filling in a lot of the details.
Honest question: are any of you wearing a mask when you drive alone? If so, please explain why.

I just saw a 20 something alone in a Volvo masked up. Makes me curious.
So, I've often wondered about that too. And I almost never do. But it so happens just the other day, I did and this is why: I ran an errand in one shop, then I just had to drive across the street to another shop for my second errand, and I decided to not bother to take off my mask and left it on while driving by myself.

I had to laugh at myself because I've always been a bit .... intolerant ... when I see others do it. (By "intolerant" I just mean, in my own mind. Like, why is that silly person wearing a mask while in their car alone?). I still wonder why people do it, when I see them like on a large road where they are not likely to be stopping from place to place.
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