Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

Not to mention, that's a lot to put on an employee, like the mask enforcement.
Doesn't matter much here, here NY it is a $1,000 fine for no mask, and store has to pay. Gov just added $36million for enforcement. Read in local paper, used book store in small city (Oneonta) mall said that is a pretty high price to pay for a place that sells $3 books...
That stinks. I’m sorry. I sent a msg to my Dr via mychart months ago and asked for an antibody test. He didn’t question it, just said make a lab appt. It was easy peasy, they got me in that day.
Free antibody test for giving blood to Red Cross.
I have always wanted to give blood hadn't done it since boot camp '94, bet they get a lot of donations, can't get 'smoked' that day if give blood lol.
Me and DW both gave blood a couple times cause sure we had it, tested no antibodies . We didn't get covid until after we were vaccinated, whole family got it from our always face masked kids in school.
The pandemic has not really affected my life much. I stay at home most of the time, and don’t go out but maybe once or twice a month. So solitude in my home has been NO problem.
You know, if I don’t watch the news, I forget all about it.

I moved from Upstate NY to NC in 2020 right before the pandemic. That was the last time I was out of the house more than two hours, lol. 😆
I don’t work out in public, but at home. So,……

That’s my little story.

Ducklingguy 🦆
First relative to get COVID. :hmm My older cousin and his girlfriend have it. :/
His Mum is a nurse, so she helps with COVID testing, she said that 24% of people getting tested are positive. :(

Agh! This new premier. 🤮 He is a daft beanbag. He is just letting COVID run wild. No nothing to stop it. He is even trying to get people to stop getting tested. :barnie I think we need our old one back. This guy needs to go. 😡
NYC same thing, saw a vid on a family getting arrested in a restaurant NYC because 5yr old kid didn't have vaccine passport, imagine the trauma for those poor kids.
Saw another one don't remember where they were from, maybe Costa Rica, family on vacation in NYC. DW said they should have looked into it, I say what the #!!!! there isn't anywhere that restrictive besides China and North Korea. Imagine getting into a plane to go NYC and everyone eligible, arrive no biggie, all good, and then they find out can't enter anywhere, because they also had 5yr old kid unvaxxed, where they were from they are not vaccinating children. That's going to be that families worst vacation I'm sure.
Wish someone could have told them to cross the Hudson river and enter NY state and the vaxx passport mandate does not apply, it's only NYC not the state.

Unconstitutional? Not till a court rules so, and then another will say otherwise...
The news was interviewing people looking for testing sites cause all the testing sites ran out and was closed down. One dude said he was from nova Scotia said all he wanted to do was to go home
I checked DD's old high school (private-Catholic) and they don't seem to require shots but they do require mask.
She is now at Loyola NO and they require vaccination and a test to return to school. They are starting out 'remote learning" but she is staying in the dorm.
I don't know about the test but UNO requires vaccination for my daughter

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