Coronavirus, Covid 19 Discussion and How It Has Affected Your Daily Life Chat Thread

I am afraid the older I get, the less I trust the people we are suppose to. (To be fair, I didn't start out with a lot. As someone posted earlier today:
One of my main concerns is all the health workers and others that were mandated to take an injection when the safety and effectiveness has never been proven.
Yes, if you look over my post from back then I was eager to get the shots but it has come back to haunt me. I'm ready to go back to work now but it's a bad time to get on anywhere.
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NFL player collapsed during a game on national TV. Heard he's improving in the hospital but he had a heart attack
It's a fine point but it probably wasn't a 'Heart Attack' (blockage of the small coronary arteries). It was most likely the trauma to his chest caused an interruption of the electrical signal to the heart.
It's a distinction without a difference for the most part. Great to see he is out of the hospital and seems to be intact. If he wasn't getting good CPR on the field he wouldn't have a chance.
It's a fine point but it probably wasn't a 'Heart Attack' (blockage of the small coronary arteries). It was most likely the trauma to his chest caused an interruption of the electrical signal to the heart.
It's a distinction without a difference for the most part. Great to see he is out of the hospital and seems to be intact. If he wasn't getting good CPR on the field he wouldn't have a chance.
I wouldn't know. Wasn't exactly watching the game and the news showed nothing but players crying and praying.

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