Corrupt a Wish

These performers live in your house.
This is the only song they know, the only words they speak, and the only sounds you hear. For the rest of your life.

I wish the voices in my head would talk to someone else.
The voices in your head start talking to each other, they become involved in a heated debate and all you will ever hear again is the two of them going at each other.

I wish for some sleep!
The chickens overrun your house, you become homeless, you beg the chickens for a bed to sleep on and some food. They direct you to the old, broken coop and some worms on the ground. You are now their chicken!

I wish summer would last forever!
You constantly suffer in blistering heat and are feasted upon by mosquitos. You die of skin cancer caused by excess sunburn.

I wish I lived on a boat
Wish granted. You will have unlimited BYC access and free chickens. However, the boat will gradually start sinking.

I wish I owned a beach house.
Your beach house gets flooded in a hurricane. You spend a ridiculous amount of money replacing drywall and throwing away molded furniture. Your beach house is covered in an inescapable layer of sand.

(True story, but not our beach house)
You constantly suffer in blistering heat and are feasted upon by mosquitos. You die of skin cancer caused by excess sunburn.

I wish I lived on a boat
After years of saving and planning, you are finally able to purchase your dream houseboat. You sell everything, transport your boat to it's new mooring place on a lovely bay, and move in. A week later, a fierce windstorm rips your boat loose from it's mooring and it drifts into the bay, where it is struck in the darkness by an oil tanker and sinks. You barely escape with your life and are now living on the zodiac you were using to go to shore. You have no supplies, no income, no savings, and no way to prove your identity. You are known as "the boat hobo" until the end of your days.

I wish I was a little bit taller.

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