Costa Rica Chicken newby with a sick chicken that is a month old that cannot walk.

Costa Rican chicken lady

In the Brooder
Sep 13, 2023
Hi I have a month old chicken that cannot walk. It is not growing its feathers like most of the other birds. I have 24 meat birds and 8 laying chickens all about a month old. The laying chickens are doing great. The meat birds are not all doing as well. Especially the one. I read on some forums to give your sick chicken colloidal silver so I went a purchased a new bottle and gave 1 drop to the chick. I also put Oregano in its food. It is eating and drinking well now but still cannot walk. I have read it can be anything from worms, to flea, to god knows what. I was going to take a picture to take to the local veterinarian if it is not improving by tomorrow. The good news is it is eating and drinking. I have been isolating it in the chicken coop and putting it outside in the pen during the day. Started this yesterday moving them all out so they could get fresh air and pick thru the grass in their pen. This seems to have helped all of them.
Any ideas?
Hi I have a month old chicken that cannot walk. It is not growing its feathers like most of the other birds. I have 24 meat birds and 8 laying chickens all about a month old. The laying chickens are doing great. The meat birds are not all doing as well. Especially the one. I read on some forums to give your sick chicken colloidal silver so I went a purchased a new bottle and gave 1 drop to the chick. I also put Oregano in its food. It is eating and drinking well now but still cannot walk. I have read it can be anything from worms, to flea, to god knows what. I was going to take a picture to take to the local veterinarian if it is not improving by tomorrow. The good news is it is eating and drinking. I have been isolating it in the chicken coop and putting it outside in the pen during the day. Started this yesterday moving them all out so they could get fresh air and pick thru the grass in their pen. This seems to have helped all of them.
Any ideas?
Welcome to BYC!!
What breed are they?
Welcome to BYC!!
What breed are they?
I truly don't know my husband bought them at a local veterinarian. They are white and meat birds that is all I know. I researched holistic medicine for chickens on the internet and found numerous sites that said use colloidal silver in hollistic veterinarian sites. I use colloidal silver on my horses with excellent success so gave the sick chicken on drop of it this morning. It said 4 times a day and I will also add to the other chickens water. Costa Rica is plagued by parasites so one needs to be vigilant here. Add when I was growing up on a farm in Canada we had hens and roosters the hens looked after their chicks. This is a whole other experience for me. My worry is I am getting far to attached to these chickens for my own good,lol. I found information on one of the forums about Chicken poop and from what I can see its poop looks normal. It is eating and drinking just cannot walk, it crawls! plus not growing feathers as most of the other birds the same age. I have figured out I have a lot to learn about Chickens! Also, I started giving it oregano a few days ago in its feed and that seems to have picked up its appetite substantially. I have also been adding to the other chickens feed. What I don't know is how much colloidal silver to put in their drinking water. The other issue I find here is that all the food available has a lot of corn in it and I am not a lover of corn we never fed corn to our chickens when I was growing up my dad made his own ground chicken feed from oats, barley and I am not sure what other grains. I do not think wheat but could be wrong. Our chickens were always really healthy and they free ranged as I am doing with mine during the day they are out in a big fenced in area with lots of grass, tree's for shade.


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I truly don't know my husband bought them at a local veterinarian. They are white and meat birds that is all I know. I researched holistic medicine for chickens on the internet and found numerous sites that said use colloidal silver in hollistic veterinarian sites. I use colloidal silver on my horses with excellent success so gave the sick chicken on drop of it this morning. It said 4 times a day and I will also add to the other chickens water. Costa Rica is plagued by parasites so one needs to be vigilant here. Add when I was growing up on a farm in Canada we had hens and roosters the hens looked after their chicks. This is a whole other experience for me. My worry is I am getting far to attached to these chickens for my own good,lol. I found information on one of the forums about Chicken poop and from what I can see its poop looks normal. It is eating and drinking just cannot walk, it crawls! plus not growing feathers as most of the other birds the same age. I have figured out I have a lot to learn about Chickens! Also, I started giving it oregano a few days ago in its feed and that seems to have picked up its appetite substantially. I have also been adding to the other chickens feed. What I don't know is how much colloidal silver to put in their drinking water. The other issue I find here is that all the food available has a lot of corn in it and I am not a lover of corn we never fed corn to our chickens when I was growing up my dad made his own ground chicken feed from oats, barley and I am not sure what other grains. I do not think wheat but could be wrong. Our chickens were always really healthy and they free ranged as I am doing with mine during the day they are out in a big fenced in area with lots of grass, tree's for shade.
I'm still not getting what you're feeding them though. Is it some type of grower feed? Regardless, I would try some Nutra Drench, Poultry Cell in their water, or Rooster Booster granules for mixing in their feed.

I hear good things about colloidal silver but nothing about dosage but here's a thread that might be helpful.

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