Cot quail egg - double yolk, day 19, 1 still alive- pics


Apr 15, 2020
Ok, I always set double yolkers and none have made it so far. Today is day 19, I candled all the eggs and any stragglers I moved to the nr360 so I can fill the brinsea tomorrow, none of the double yolkers made it past I’d say day 14 looking at their egg topsies, however one is still alive but one side is dead, looks like for a while, and the other is moving but looks small. Here are some pics, I don’t have a YouTube account so I didn’t take any vids, but it’s wild!

Here’s the dead side, but to the left you can see the veins of the healthy one:

Here’s the kickin one, and it is very active:

Based on the veins and size, hubby suggested we let it “cook” a bit longer. I’ll candle it tomorrow to see how it’s doing, and if it’s still alive.

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