Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

If there is a light on around them at night like a porch light or a street light they could molting. Usually this time of year when you see that you have an aggressive bird picking feathers.
Round 3 hatching now. All the cats are locked out. If anything goes after those babies it'll have to move a 5 gallon bucket with a brick on top of it.
Well all I can say is I must have been extremely lucky raising the first ones. The second round was ate by the cat and now the third are trying to kill their selves too. Dome how they had knocked the paper towel from the bottom of the brooder into the water. It wicked the water out and flooded the brooder. By the time I found them the entire pint or water was in the brooder. They were soaking wet. Dripping.... Three were already dead. I grabbed the others up and put them back in the incubator to dry off. Maybe I saved them. I'll keep you posted. I have eggs ready to go in as soon as they come out again.
They will always invent ways to kill themselves. The other day I cleaned my hatcher and there was a chick floating in the water pan. No idea how it got there because the tray if is full size of the hatcher. I've hatched well over a thousand chicks since I started using that hatcher and none ever figured out what that little genius/idiot did.
Well this am they were dry and fluffy again with no deaths. I went a head and put them on shavings since I won't be home to rescue them today.
What is the best incubator for hatching quail? I just recently bought a few and am hoping I will be able to hatch some as well to add to them. I just hatched quineas and did not do well with it. I managed to get 6 to hatch and only 2 lived :( I could not keep the humidity up on my incubator :( Any tips for hatching quail will be great appreciated.
What is the best incubator for hatching quail? I just recently bought a few and am hoping I will be able to hatch some as well to add to them. I just hatched quineas and did not do well with it. I managed to get 6 to hatch and only 2 lived
I could not keep the humidity up on my incubator
Any tips for hatching quail will be great appreciated.

they are a very easy hatch. the cheap styrofoam incubators work great.
Guinea need to keep warm, so they may have chilled. PM me if you need info, I an glad to help.

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