Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

My first five were from a private party, four dollars each. My second bunch was from a local feed store, granted these are all fancy pants varieties, $50 for a dozen.....but I'm in a very small town.....
My extra males are freezer bound soon. We started with quail as a meat n egg bird to try. Only 2 of us at home so if we get eggs soon to hatch the quail could add up fast. Just an experiment at this stage. Could open door for Cornish later on or just do a string of meat chickens. We shall see..Hubby says he doesn't think he can clean any of our birds, ummm that was part of why we got them. ??????
Cortinix quail are extremely easy to process. I would suggest if hubby feels he can't process them, not to try a larger bird or animal for meat. Perhaps you could do the quail yourself. I am just learning this processing thing myself. What I did is to see if I had the stomach for it, was to start with one of our quail that had died from something unknown. I first realized the plucking part was very easy. As far as the dressing out. The birds are so small, that to me, it was no worse than buying poultry from a store that has giblets inside the cavity that has to be removed. This just requires a small knife, bleeding out of the bird which takes like a minute,if that,and removal of the internal organs followed by a good washing and a freezer bag. When Michael processed our first rabbit just a year ago, I ran in the house in tears;but I pulled up my big girl panties and went back out there. Now I'm over it, bc like you, that was the reason to raise these animals-for eggs and/or meat. But,I do realize not everyone is cut out to slaughter(hate that word, but it is what it is)living things. Wishing you both the best with this new endeavor.
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He thinks they are pets when they are not. I guess i have to do them , the chickens and turkey.We have had chickens for 3 years now and it's time to replace our older girls. He has been off the farm too long.
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He thinks they are pets when they are not. I guess i have to do them , the chickens and turkey.We have had chickens for 3 years now and it's time to replace our older girls. He has been off the farm too long.
It's hard not to fall in love with them. I just set my mind to the fact that they are here to give us eggs and feed us. But I do have a few favorite bunnies and we don't process the chickens or ducks. I fear my mean gander is working his way closer to the freezer daily though. Good luck with doing what needs to be done.
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My extra males are freezer bound soon. We started with quail as a meat n egg bird to try. Only 2 of us at home so if we get eggs soon to hatch the quail could add up fast. Just an experiment at this stage. Could open door for Cornish later on or just do a string of meat chickens. We shall see..Hubby says he doesn't think he can clean any of our birds, ummm that was part of why we got them. ??????
Its not easy emotionally, but I raise almost all our our meat type foods here. We also process all our animals at our farm, I will not use a butcher shop to process my food.. I like knowing exactly how that animal was taken care of. And when their "bad day" comes I want to know its done humanely. We keep several poultry and waterfowl species, hogs and a milking cow that gives us milk and calves.
No the killing is not easy emotionally. Just remember that when you snip off the head, don't look at it and have a good grip because the wings flap. Other than that, it's easier than cleaning a fish.
No the killing is not easy emotionally. Just remember that when you snip off the head, don't look at it and have a good grip because the wings flap. Other than that, it's easier than cleaning a fish.
Agreed. I process around 15 quail in less than an hour, probably more. We appreciate the value of what they provide our family with.
We have talked of raising a beef for our freezer but if he has issues with the chickens I think the beff is safe. Quail were not as bad as he imagined. I like the idea of raising and processin our own. Who knows what is in the meat at the store. We have helped process beef and hogs for others. Deer, geese, squirrel, rabbit and other game from hinting I just don't see where his brain flips over at chickens to nope I cant. So I guess I will learn.

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