Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

We have talked of raising a beef for our freezer but if he has issues with the chickens I think the beff is safe. Quail were not as bad as he imagined. I like the idea of raising and processin our own. Who knows what is in the meat at the store. We have helped process beef and hogs for others. Deer, geese, squirrel, rabbit and other game from hinting I just don't see where his brain flips over at chickens to nope I cant. So I guess I will learn.
We have talked of raising a beef for our freezer but if he has issues with the chickens I think the beff is safe. Quail were not as bad as he imagined. I like the idea of raising and processin our own. Who knows what is in the meat at the store. We have helped process beef and hogs for others. Deer, geese, squirrel, rabbit and other game from hinting I just don't see where his brain flips over at chickens to nope I cant. So I guess I will learn.
All you need is a good study pair of kitchen shears or large scissors that are sharp. Here is how I usually do them:


Some of my babies
I am from Nova Scotia and am currently looking for Bob white quail, eggs to in Incubate ..can anyone help?

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