Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

Ok...everyone can breath was just a broken toenail...

The blood was on her chest from her scratching herself with the broken toenail. I was so terrified for a minute there. My husband had promoted to help me trim her nails tonight. They look like they haven't been done in ages if ever. The quick is super long so I wanted my husband to hold her so I could carefully snip away at the ends. I ended up clipping a bit off the end of each while pinching the bleeding toe in corn starch. In a couple days after the quick has dried and receded a bit I will take off a bit more.
I HATE clipping nails. I am picking up some year old quail tomorrow and I am bringing nail clippers and begging the owner to clip each bird's nails before I put it in the cage to take them home.
My quail have given me not one, but two enormous eggs!
Today I got five more quail. One male and four females. They are almost a year old and haven't been laying because they didnt have lighted pens over the winter.
I have 33 eggs in the incubator (forced air hovabator). They are due to hatch on or about Sunday the 22nd. This is my first attempt at hatching/keeping quail. I am pretty excited.
I have 24 or 25 eggs due on Thursday March 26. It is my first time attempting to hatch quail and they should be due on my daughters b-day so I am really hoping they hatch.
I set up my grow out pens today. I used Beaktime water cups and a gravity feed system. I was wondering if anyone else has used these for quail?
My quail are more than happy to drink water from the cups but have not seemed to figure out how to make more come out.
Am I being an overly nervous parent?

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