Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

3:1? I've never had fertility issues at 6:1 and 7:1
Thanks for all the educational info. For now I am pleased with just providing these two a more natural environment to live. They came from wire cages and now spend their days outside in an area of my aviary closed off to them. They seems so happy exploring and burrowing in the curly hay that I dont mind never getting a fertile egg. I did not see any foamy droppings yesterday but Ill keep my eye out for them
Thanks to all for helping educate me and others interested in learning about caring and keeping quail.
[COLOR=333333]3:1 ratio is good, 7:1 ratio may work well but can lead to a worn out male and cause fertility issue later... in addition, a tired male might be killed or torn up by the females.[/COLOR]

I had a smart male that just waited until I fed everyone dinner and the ladies lined up to eat. He just went straight down the line while they were distracted. I don't think I ever saw him spend any effort chasing them...
Very depressing news.
I have lost my breeding pair and one of my 5 young males.
So I am left with
5 young males
English white male
Young dislocated hip
Young pharoah sex (?)


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