Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

Quote: I just put a jumbo roo in with my goldens, I lost my golden boy. I keep forgetting these guys don't live forever, he was almost 3. Will post once I see the results. I know he sure was a happy lil fella when I put him in with the girls, lol! The last time I did this cross, I got a nice color with a few chicks, almost a buff tint with some red. That was a golden roo over jumbo hens.
I haven't crossed them, I'm not really trying to gain size on them right now. My current project is bleaching my whites back out.
Do your whites have some spots on them? I bought some that were called "Whites" but some had spots and most of the offspring had spots... I was told that breeding whites was a problem???
Do your whites have some spots on them? I bought some that were called "Whites" but some had spots and most of the offspring had spots... I was told that breeding whites was a problem???

Most white cots have spots on them somewhere, usually the head, sometimes the back. It's actually kind of rare to find one 100% white. I had one roo that had a white beak with a brown stripe down it.
English whites which are a very small line, will often be fully white, but there really aren't that many english whites out there. Jumbo whites will almost always have the marker spot.

People like to say Jumbo whites are more aggressive or harder to raise, they are only harder to raise insofar as sexing them is involved. They are not inherently more aggressive than any other coturnix.

What you want to avoid with Jumbo whites is breeding double factor birds. Birds that have a spot on the head are single factor white, birds with the dorsal bleed (spot on their backs) are double factor. Double factor A&Ms will always be a genetically weaker bird than single factor birds will be. They will stay smaller, gain weight slower, and just generally be less thrifty.

ETA: just because the name A&M drives me nuts....A&Ms are jumbo whites. The actual line bred at Texas A&M is long gone. What exists today is a recreation of those birds. The whole purpose of the A&M was to create a bird with a commercial marker to be used as a meat bird. The "marker" is the spot on top of a jumbo white's head. So they aren't texas quail, they aren't A&Ms they are jumbo whites.
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just because the name A&M drives me nuts....A&Ms are jumbo whites. The actual line bred at Texas A&M is long gone. What exists today is a recreation of those birds. The whole purpose of the A&M was to create a bird with a commercial marker to be used as a meat bird. So they aren't texas quail, they aren't A&Ms they are jumbo whites.

Big X2 here!! I have typed similar at least a dozen times but always delete it.... if you read "My birds directly from Texas A&M line", You can be quiet sure the seller has no clue or straight up lying and not to be trusted!
Can you help me sex these guys, I was told they were Japanese, but some don't follow the pattern? I thought the good people on this thread might know, they are 4weeks old.

Pharaoh (brown) rooster

Can you help me sex these guys, I was told they were Japanese, but some don't follow the pattern? I thought the good people on this thread might know, they are 4weeks old.

Tibetan/rosetta can't feather sex

Tibetan/rosetta tux


Only two colors autosex, brown and golden. The rest have to vent sexed or watched until they crow/mount a hen/lay an egg. Tibetan, rosetta, jumbo white, etc. can't be feather sexed.

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