Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

 I had my brooder light (heat source) go out one night.  The bantam chick I had put in with my week old quail babies saved the day.  They were all three huddled together in the drastically cool brooder.  Thank goodness I had that bantam chick in there or I probably would have lost my two quail babies.

My duck Miss Wonky was my extra heat source for my baby quail in the winter when she was a duckling, they spent more time cuddling with her than near the lamp. She had bad legs and couldn't stand so she lived with the quail so she wouldn't get knocked around. They provided her companionship and she was a warm ball of fluff for them to snuggle with.
Thanks. I was given a male, he will be kept Indoors and held daily. I'll look for a hen or two though also. He was beat up by the other quail and issmall for his age, blind in one eye, and missing feathers,the feathers will grow back but the eye may be a gonner . This is Dribbles

Poor fella! Lots of proteins for him like cooked eggs chopped up, he has likely been pushed out of feed.. Being a subordinate bird he will really appreciate your attention. For the hens, try to add 3-4 once you can, any less he will over mate them.
I have two males that I keep mostly together though the do get daily conjugal visits with the females who are penned with one male. The two males get along fairly well but when I notice one starting to chase the other and trying to mate I know it is time for the visit with the females. They crow a lot when they are separated as if to be calling out to verify where the other is. It is actually kind of cute. They do sleep in the pen with the females and seem ready to come out when I go to get them. The girls dont particularly like their advances as they are used to the male I first introduced them to...every day it get better though. That has been my experience having males mostly without females.
My duck Miss Wonky was my extra heat source for my baby quail in the winter when she was a duckling, they spent more time cuddling with her than near the lamp. She had bad legs and couldn't stand so she lived with the quail so she wouldn't get knocked around. They provided her companionship and she was a warm ball of fluff for them to snuggle with.
Sounds like your quail were lucky to have a such a ducky mama. I dont have any bantam chicks to put in with my current quail hatch and one hatched last night which is two days earlier than the expected hatch date. Im so worried I might lose it. I put a

chenille plush toy in the brooder with it. I sure hope it can hang on until the others start hatching and it has some live company. They are just so darn delicate as babies.
I love this thread, I'm very new to the coturnix quail and i could read thru this info till my eyeballs popped out!!!.

I currently have 15 birds, all a mixture of colors, I have no idea which color is called what, and really have no idea what I'm going to do with them, other than like my chickens and ducks (not housed together) as pets and for eggs.

my cage is 4'x8' solid bottom They're on the east side of my house so they get nice morning sunshine and avoid late day heat. I use pine shavings, and that's all for bedding. Should I give them some nesting material for them to use? right now the eggs I'm getting pretty much just show up all over the floor of the cage. I've given them chick grit and a handful of mealworms. They're eating gamebird feed, which I've had a hard time finding in big bags.

Should i put some small boxes, or branches for them to have hiding spots? I've heard they really don't roost so I haven't added any roosting poles or anything like that.

Can you think of anything else i need to do?, I'll try to post some pics, maybe you can help me identify my colors?
When I first made my quail pen I made a low bench that they could hide under and would allow me to come in and sit with them. I also put some curly hay down for them. They didnt spend much time under the bench, just the two of them, but they loved hiding in the curly hay.
I really need to discuss the quail idea more with my husband. I had hoped to raise them for our use only.we have talked it over some, but I think I may have a problem with getting him to process them when it needs done. So I think before we build any pens for such I will see how he feels on the matter. wish we could go see some together but with our schedule for the next two weeks it would be aug. 2nd before we could. adulthood so fun.
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It isn't a good idea to keep two males together. 4 males would probably be OK but more is better. They will all mate each other but only having two, one will over due it to the other killing him.

Quail have a covey & they are dedicated to their male. They will choose if allowed to but they will force pair also. If you bring in another male outside of their covey your allowing it(like in a easier way of putting it) to rape them. I'd assume just because their will gets broken & they summit easier doesn't make it any more pleasant.

I'd really suggest against this practice.
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