Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

I'm not sure if the Cinnamon Quail, is called Cinnamon. I think its called a Red Cotunix. . "I call it a Red Coturnix since it looks like a Coturnix, but its red, also strombergs says its a red Coturnix" Might be wrong

Also, people might say its a mutant, but that is false. You can make this breed...

Also love your information. A lot of information!!!
I desperately want to raise quail but live in Kingston, NY. How early in the spring do you think I can start? I'd start now, if I wasn't worried about freezing the poor birds over the winter.
Keep them inside. If you keep them out side THE MUST BE IN A DRAFT FREE AREA. And if its cold (Water freezes cold) add a 75 watt heat lamp to the encluser. Thats what I do.
hope this works.
I need to keep them inside all winter long? Or just until they're feathered out? I don't have space for adult birds in the house. I can put the pen against the side of a house and I can put up tarps over three sides of the kennel to minimize breeze, but it seems hard to believe that would keep them alive all winter in upstate NY. What am I missing?

Yes, fully feathered. If a cold wind hits the quail, it could wipe them out. I'm not sure how cold it gets in Utah during the winter, but its cold.
I'm sorry, but I'm really tired and stressed. Are you saying that once the birds are feathered out, if I put them outside in the wintertime protected from breezes from a tarp, they'll thrive?
Once fully feathered you can put them out side. If it gets cold (Winter) Porvide a heat source. Quail must be in a draft free area. NO Breezes or they can die. inside a shed will be perfect. if you have any more probloms, let me know.

Also, i'm not sure what you ment by thrive? Japanese/Qoturnix Quail cannot hatch their own eggs without artificial incubation.
i've got one male jap quail and am getting some 3 to 4 week old quails.
i've also hatched 3 jap quails from 9 posted eggs so not to bad.

i've also found some rely large quail i forgot the name but jumbos were made from these.

and am going to get some.

is there anyone on here from australia that has quails?

if there is i would love to get in contact with you.

cheers youri.
I could ship some eggs to australia. Its very expinsive though. If you consider into buying eggs, let me know. Boogie from unitid states.

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