Coturnix Quail - temperature tolerance

On the hot side. . Here in Australia it's summer we had the last few days with temp at 37 degrees C. (98.6 degree F)

I needed up putting a 12v fan on them, occasionally misting them with water...

If I am not at home. . . Are they ok with just the fan? Long term at 98.6F is ok?

Whats the Max they can tolerate?
(my 12 girls are 6 weeks old. . Had then for 4 days now)
I bought 2 pair. 3 died and it was only in the mid 50s and i noticed the last one shivering! I brought her inside and put her in a bird cage and she's turned into a cute pet! But I'd like to raise some but they seemed temperature sensitive! They were in a commercial chicken house like you get at Tractor Supply and I assumed you could just raise them like chickens. Apparently not. I'm still not sure how to keep them!

It's possible they weren't acclimated to the cold, meaning they went from indoor climate to outdoor without growing extra feathers as they would normally do during the change of the seasons in fall.

Like other posters mentioned they can tolerate the cold but need to be completely sheltered from the wind/rain/snow and having warm bedding - not on wire.

On the hot side. . Here in Australia it's summer we had the last few days with temp at 37 degrees C. (98.6 degree F)

I needed up putting a 12v fan on them, occasionally misting them with water...

If I am not at home. . . Are they ok with just the fan? Long term at 98.6F is ok?

Whats the Max they can tolerate?
(my 12 girls are 6 weeks old. . Had then for 4 days now)

I'm sorry, I'm in Canada - I don't have experience with their max temperatures :/ Good airflow as you're providing and an unending source of water will really help. Giving them shade of course and keeping them close to the earth could help as well. I hear some coturnix like to have baths in the water?

I am not completely sure but I think commercial breeders in Africa and similar climates use misters? Misting water over the birds?
I have given them a small bowl, and they like to stand in it! Must be a good way to cool down, as said above they loose heat thru their feet. :)
I have given them a small bowl, and they like to stand in it! Must be a good way to cool down, as said above they loose heat thru their feet. :)

I don't think it mattered where we lived in Aus this week. There wasn't a city under 34C.

I had to put my 3 week olds out in a rabbit hutch on the balcony so they had some air flow, albeit hot air. They are much happier and so am I.

I heard from someone else also about the foot bath. I will give it a go.
Is it ok too keep my quail in my basement? it is very damp and has a bit of a draft but it is heated and i think it would be a better choice then my garage which is not.
Is it ok too keep my quail in my basement? it is very damp and has a bit of a draft but it is heated and i think it would be a better choice then my garage which is not.

If it's damp and more enclosed you will smell them more. They can tolerate the cold as long as they are acclimated to it and have some bedding they can snuggle up in. Mine love burying themselves in straw. Mine are outdoors in a wire run with a solid roof, half of the run being raised off the ground to keep it dry. It's been cold, frosty and very wet this winter but they have done great. They have a few houses they can hide in but they seem to prefer burying themselves in the deep bed of straw.
If it's damp and more enclosed you will smell them more. They can tolerate the cold as long as they are acclimated to it and have some bedding they can snuggle up in. Mine love burying themselves in straw. Mine are outdoors in a wire run with a solid roof, half of the run being raised off the ground to keep it dry. It's been cold, frosty and very wet this winter but they have done great. They have a few houses they can hide in but they seem to prefer burying themselves in the deep bed of straw.
Thanks soo much for your advice!
My heat bulb blew when my batch was 10 days old. The temp was below 40 degree F. The chicks were only 50 grams but all survived the night without any problems. I quickly replaced the bulb when i noticed in the morning.

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