Could my buff Orpington win?


5 Years
May 19, 2014
I'm going to enter my buff Orpington into the pullet class in the fair. I think her shape is beautiful, but I want more professional opinions. What do you all think? Could she win ?



When you say "at the fair" - are you going to be showing as a 4-H participant at the county level or state level - or as an open-class/adult level? Do you now how seriously your locality takes the SOP in regards to judging the poultry classes? I have found it can vary a lot - not only by location, but also from one judge to the next. Have you walked through the poultry barns during previous years to see what sort of poultry seems to be the preferred characteristics for your area?
When is the fair you will be participating in? As it seems a bit off season to me I am wondering if you are thinking ahead to next year? If so, will she still be eligible for the pullet class at that time? Also, if it is next year's fair you have time for her to mature and develop and can evaluate her closer to the time of entry.
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