Could my hen be a rooster? Pics


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 10, 2012
I have 4 Buff Orpington hens that are 5-6 months old. I've owned them for 2 months. They haven't laid any eggs yet. I brought home a couple yearling Red Stars a few weeks ago, they were in pretty rough shape. I lost one due to the excessive heat/drought but the other one is doing better and better. Last night I was taking a break from gardening and just sat with all the poultry for a little bit. I was evaluating the Red Star's progress from a few feet away and one of my Buff Orpington hens jumped on her back and it was all fluffed out. I thought it was just a dominance play but it lasted for a over 10 seconds. The Buff's tail feather's were splayed and fanning back and forth, the Red Star didn't put up a fight and seemed to be aiding the show. There was also a bunch of new noises coming from both of them. It looked like the real deal to me. So now I have the fun task of trying to figure out if one of my hen is really a rooster. I have collected the eggs the Red Star has laid since then and they're in my incubator just in case. I wouldn't mind hatching out some chicks but I'd really like to know what my chicken friends here think. I'm attaching a bunch of pictures and I welcome all your opinions.
I spent a bit of time with the Buff's this evening and one of them does show more of a waddle than the rest and it's beak is darker than the other 3 hens. Here are pics of that "hen". What do you think?
Thanks everyone!! I was floored when I saw all that action take place in front of me. I thought it was a dominance play but it looked like the real thing. Either way I wouldn't mind. Now if only the Buff's would finally start laying!
I agree, really looks like a hen to me. By five months you're usually seeing clear roo feathers, etc. Although there MIGHT be some saddle feathers starting? I have seen some really late maturing buff orp roos on here, like over 6 months. Maybe post back in a month or so? anyone else seeing white earlobes? Their bodies LOOK like orpingtons, but those lobes are throwing me off.
I can take some more pics. What other angles would you like? I'll try to grab some of the ear lobes too. I'll keep this thread updated. I did put some eggs in the incubator and I'll be candling them Monday or Tuesday, I'll post my findings.

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