Could some one tell me what kind of berries these are?


12 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Bloomsburg, PA
These are on a tree and of curse my DH had me try them. He thought they were raspberry’s. I said no, raspberry’s do not grow on a tree. Any idea’s?


Sorry the wind is blowing and I could not get a better picture.

We had a mulberry tree in pasture across the street from me when I was a kid. When they got ripe all the kids in the neighborhood plus all the birds in the neighborhood were in that tree eating. I remember them being very good. Haven't had one since I was about 12 and they cut the tree down. My mom hated it because the birds would eat the mulberries and then come sit on the clothesline and poop on her clean sheets.
Yes, mulberries. We just discovered two mulberry trees on our property and I was waiting for the berries to appear. They did but the tree was so tall that there was no way to get any of the berries and it was surrounded by brush and bushes so couldn't even get them if they dropped off.

Will have to figure something out for next year cause it was like teasing to see all those berries just hanging there and couldn't get to them.
I was hoping that was what they were!!..lucky me too as I have two 3ft tall mulberrry "bushes"/trees in my yard!! Yeah!! The birds will probably eat all thse unless you gather them quick! I have to share my concord grapes with them but usually they are quicker than me at getting them!!! Pretty tree!!!
We used to have a beautiful one when we lived in Virginia.

When my DH was a kid and he got in trouble his mom would send him to the mulberry tree to cut himself a switch. He said the trick was to cut one that was small enough that it wouldn't hurt too much, but not so small that she would find it inadequate and go cut one herself. OWWWWWWW

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