Could some one tell me what kind of berries these are?

I was told that having a mulberry tree close by would keep (most) of the birds out of your berry patch and fruit trees.

Don't know that for a fact, but seems like they prefer the mulberries over the other fruit and berries.
They make netting to throw over bushes, vines, etc. to keep the birds out. Maybe you will have to try and rig something up in the tree. I wish I had a mulberry tree.
TMI!!! That's a little personal, don't you think? We really didn't need to know you go with dingleberries....
TMI!!! That's a little personal, don't you think? We really didn't need to know you go with dingleberries....

We have several mulberry trees on our property, and they're way too tall to harvest.

What you can do is lay a tarp or a sheet on the ground, and then shake the tree gently when the berries are ripe-- voila! Instant harvest, and no trying to pick them out of the shrubs and tall grass.
mulberries indeed and our chickens dearly love them. Its only when they get the fermented ones that they get really loopy. Stagger a bit, etc! We try to limit this to Saturday nights. btw you can make utterly fabulous jam with these.

Quote: jam and jelly eating at greyfield's house!!!

I almost pee'd myself

They look like Mulberries to me, too ...and I am very familiar with "gettin' a switch for my Nannie.. to straighten me up some"

In Cali, we have mostly Logan berries ...I'm safe now!

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