Could someone tell me what breed Little Roo is?

feathered fannies farm

14 Years
15 Years
Jan 27, 2010
wild and wonderful w virginia
He is bantam size and around 2 years old. Supposed to be a breed from a hatchery. But I can't find any in the hatchery catalogs that look like him.I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me out.

I don't know but he is GORGEOUS! Someone most likely with more experience will recognize the breed and reply. Maybe he is a mix and so it will be hard to spot the exact breed. Good luck and Welcome to BYC.
Well...............he is a lovely little guy, but I seriously doubt that he would be a bantam Cuckoo Marans from a hatchery. They are very rare and although hatcheries are known to handle rare breeds, the Marans is not yet APA recognized, therefore not as readily available on the commercial market. Couple that with the fact that the bantam Marans are still projects, my vote is NOT bantam Marans. So, next he has the barring gene going on which could mean any number of things. At this point, I think it's a fair bet that he is what we call a mutt, but that doesn't mean he isn't gorgeous, he just isn't an APA "breed." My first thought was that he had some Old English Game Bantam Crele in him. However, his type isn't quite right for that. His type, if I didn't know he was a bantam, makes me think of a Dominique. I know there are bantam Dominiques, but they are also very rare, which sends me back to the OEGB Crele, or some kind of OEGB/Barred Rock mix. He doesn't have the tight body type of a pure Barred Rock and he's a little heavy and high for a pure OEGB so, that's my best guess without getting really involved with the books and genetics.
There are some geneticists on here that are REALLY great and could probably come up with the best, closest choice available, but whether they check in or not you'll just have to wait and see.
GREAT little bird!!! What's his disposition like, a little feisty?
Well...............he is a lovely little guy, but I seriously doubt that he would be a bantam Cuckoo Marans from a hatchery. They are very rare and although hatcheries are known to handle rare breeds, the Marans is not yet APA recognized, therefore not as readily available on the commercial market. Couple that with the fact that the bantam Marans are still projects, my vote is NOT bantam Marans. So, next he has the barring gene going on which could mean any number of things. At this point, I think it's a fair bet that he is what we call a mutt, but that doesn't mean he isn't gorgeous, he just isn't an APA "breed." My first thought was that he had some Old English Game Bantam Crele in him. However, his type isn't quite right for that. His type, if I didn't know he was a bantam, makes me think of a Dominique. I know there are bantam Dominiques, but they are also very rare, which sends me back to the OEGB Crele, or some kind of OEGB/Barred Rock mix. He doesn't have the tight body type of a pure Barred Rock and he's a little heavy and high for a pure OEGB so, that's my best guess without getting really involved with the books and genetics.
There are some geneticists on here that are REALLY great and could probably come up with the best, closest choice available, but whether they check in or not you'll just have to wait and see.
GREAT little bird!!! What's his disposition like, a little feisty?

Well- coming from a hatchery- I think he is probably NOT a mix (with the exception of sex links or EEs) They do sell bantam barred rocks, but the leg color and the length of the tail are off. I thought Dominiques had a different type of comb, but I'm not really familiar with them. I've never been too fond of black barred birds- so never bothered to learn
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Well...............he is a lovely little guy, but I seriously doubt that he would be a bantam Cuckoo Marans from a hatchery. They are very rare and although hatcheries are known to handle rare breeds, the Marans is not yet APA recognized, therefore not as readily available on the commercial market. Couple that with the fact that the bantam Marans are still projects, my vote is NOT bantam Marans. So, next he has the barring gene going on which could mean any number of things. At this point, I think it's a fair bet that he is what we call a mutt, but that doesn't mean he isn't gorgeous, he just isn't an APA "breed." My first thought was that he had some Old English Game Bantam Crele in him. However, his type isn't quite right for that. His type, if I didn't know he was a bantam, makes me think of a Dominique. I know there are bantam Dominiques, but they are also very rare, which sends me back to the OEGB Crele, or some kind of OEGB/Barred Rock mix. He doesn't have the tight body type of a pure Barred Rock and he's a little heavy and high for a pure OEGB so, that's my best guess without getting really involved with the books and genetics.
There are some geneticists on here that are REALLY great and could probably come up with the best, closest choice available, but whether they check in or not you'll just have to wait and see.
GREAT little bird!!! What's his disposition like, a little feisty?

Well- coming from a hatchery- I think he is probably NOT a mix (with the exception of sex links or EEs) They do sell bantam barred rocks, but the leg color and the length of the tail are off. I thought Dominiques had a different type of comb, but I'm not really familiar with them. I've never been too fond of black barred birds- so never bothered to learn

I can tell you from personal experience that buying from a hatchery does NOT guarantee that you will get purebred birds. I purchased 2 doz OEGBs straight run from a hatchery (left unnamed) and when they began to mature it was clear that they were not even close to the standard of perfection let alone of reasonable quality. Now I wasn't expecting to get show birds, or even breeder quality birds, but I did think I would get birds that you would be able to look at and identify as the breed I purchased. That was not even close to the case. They were even further from being able to identify then the little guy in this photo. You're right about the comb on the Dominique, I believe it's a rose comb, but if he's a mix as I suspect, he could have any kind of a comb. My vote remains on the OEG/Barred Rock bantam cross, or some variation on that theme.
I had a barred rock rooster and it looked alot different then that......I'm thinking it's a mixed breed! I hope some one with more experience helps. Good luck:)
That tight barring screams OEGB Crele mix to me too. Could be mixed with Barred Rock Bantam, they both have single comb would explain the comb on this one. The tail throws me off though. He is gorgeous whatever he is!!
Thanks for the replies. He is not the least bit feisty as I thought he would be when I first got him.And he has 4 toes and no beard. I got him from a friend who had gotten a whole bunch of chickens from another lady.This other lady orders at least 2 batches of baby chicks a year. I guess she only wants to fool with the baby chicks because as soon as they get any size she gives them away or sells them and gets a new batch to raise. This is how my friend ended up with him. She had to take the whole batch which ended up having a lot of extra roosters. There were several different kinds of chickens in this batch. Standard cochins, EE's, several buff orps , and a rooster and two hens of the sumatras. Little Roo was the only one of his kind. I wondered if maybe he was the free rare exotic chick that some hatcheries send with their orders but have not been able to find anyone else that looks like him. He is a sweet little guy. Not ornery as some roosters can be. He lives in a small chicken house with 2 other roos, a barred rock, and a black silkie. There is never any fighting among the 3. They get along well with each other , which I thought as odd. LOL
Thanks again for all of your help.

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