Could this be a roo?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 11, 2014
Well, from the sounds coming from the hen house this morning, we may have a rooster lurking amonst our hens. They are approximately 12 weeks old and we heard what sounded like crowing. Any idea if this wyandotte could be the culprit?
Hi and welcome to BYC!!!
The SLW is a roo - are those your only birds you have? Only asking as there may also be other roos in the mix.
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We have 4 rir, 2 ee, 2 slw, and 2 white leghorns. All are supposed to be females.
We have 4 rir, 2 ee, 2 slw, and 2 white leghorns. All are supposed to be females.

Unfortunately there is a 5-10% "error" rate on vent sexed chicks due to the complicated nature of the process - so the occasional roo does pop up in an "all pullet" bunch. The SLW is most definitely a rooster. Good news is that from what can be seen there are no other birds setting off any major red flags - though I would like a nice still shot of the other SLW's head.
We have 4 rir, 2 ee, 2 slw, and 2 white leghorns. All are supposed to be females.

Unfortunately there is a 5-10% "error" rate on vent sexed chicks due to the complicated nature of the process - so the occasional roo does pop up in an "all pullet" bunch.  The SLW is most definitely a rooster.  Good news is that from what can be seen there are no other birds setting off any major red flags - though I would like a nice still shot of the other SLW's head.

X2 :)
It's hard to get a good picture of them. Here are the two SLW together.
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