Could this SL cochin be a cockeral ?


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Beverly Hills, CA
please please please tell me this is a pullet !! ok, so i ordered 2 cochin pullets they arrived on thursday june 10, the first few of there wing feathers are long and about the same length , but on the SL there is a gap of feathers and then the smaller wing feathers and not a full as that of the GL cochin......could the SL be a cockeral.. sad

I'll get a pic up if I can

PS... both the SL and GL feathers are WAY bigger than the males they packed for warmth(RIR)...but could i be that they are just different breeds ??
Ya, I think it is...the GL cochin pullet has 3 complete layers of wing feathers, while the SL only has 2...the GL also has more developed foot feathers

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