Could use a bit of advice PLEASE :D


Quiet as a Church Mouse
14 Years
Dec 19, 2009
Southwest TN
I have had 4 of THE MOST HORRENDOUS hatches back to back to back(2 were 0%)....just when I was about to give up(the last 7 set were in the hatcher)and sell all my bators...I have five babies! Ok, here be the issue...I got these blue eggers, have set well over a dozen of these babies to have them all flop..they quit on me the 2nd or 3rd week. I now have ONE left, as those hens are in a hard molt, and the baby is ALIVE! I I want to GET IT OUT. I figured it was another dud, and was about to clean the bator!! I never hardly help..EVER, but darn it, I WANT THIS BABY! I don't want it to die like every other I have tried to hatch. I took it out of the bator when I was about to clean up, so I'm worried I just really did it hasn't pipped externally, but has has #7, which would make this my second EVER 100% hatch if those babies come out! So...I'm wondering what the crap to do now? I did add some water to get the humidity back up. It has been a couple hours and I hear no peeping. I'm getting ANXIOUS. Somebody slap some sense into me!!!! I just wanna help them both out, but I know better!
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Sounds like you may have a lethal gene combination going on with your blue egg chickens...

If thats the last egg in there I would go ahead an take the top of the egg off an see if it gets out on its own from there. But then again if everyone else has hatched you may be ok helping him all the way out.
I think the roo I have may be too close to his girls, and the room I had the bator in must have been drafty, though I couldn't feel it, or see temp/humidity diffs. Other eggs I had in were Delaware's, and last batch before these were some from a friend that not one hatched
I've had ongoing issues for the whole summer. Anyway...These blues are supposed to be Ameraucana, not Araucanas...does the lethal still carry over to them? I didn't think so? Anyway, I took his lid off, and he doesn't quite look ready just yet. I can see a bit of unabsorbed yolk still, with lots of veins through it. He is breathing fine though, so maybe he'll finish popping on out in the next 12 or so hours. Gosh I hope!!! Thanks buddy!
I think the roo I have may be too close to his girls, and the room I had the bator in must have been drafty, though I couldn't feel it, or see temp/humidity diffs. Other eggs I had in were Delaware's, and last batch before these were some from a friend that not one hatched
I've had ongoing issues for the whole summer. Anyway...These blues are supposed to be Ameraucana, not Araucanas...does the lethal still carry over to them? I didn't think so? Anyway, I took his lid off, and he doesn't quite look ready just yet. I can see a bit of unabsorbed yolk still, with lots of veins through it. He is breathing fine though, so maybe he'll finish popping on out in the next 12 or so hours. Gosh I hope!!! Thanks buddy!

i would wrap the one you took the top off in a warm wet paper towel to help keep it from becoming shrink wrapped as the inner membrane dries. i had to do this with all 3 from my last hatch not a 1 was able to hatch on their own they all started to shrink wrap once they pipped externally even though my hygrometer said it was 75% humidity. so my advise is wrap in warm wet paper towel leaving the area around the beak uncovered so it can breath and wait at least 3 hours then check again and see if its done absorbing yolk and if the veins are gone.
Thanks txmel! I had already wrapped him up and put him back, he seems to be doing fine. I just hope I don't have to help anymore...I hate helping! None of the other blue eggers even made it this far, so I'm excited to maybe finally get one
Chicky died
It was a blue baby too!
I must be destined to not have these chickies I want SO bad! least the other that is still in the bator may survive

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