Could use some prayers and good vibes

Hope everything works out for you!

I am trying to talk dh into buying a house to rent out to my friend who has COPD among other things.I would love to move her close to me and help her and her kids daily. The house is only 16k but we blew all our savings to pay off the new car. Glad the car is paid,but with some many houses for 30k and less I am wishing we would have bought a house instead!

Hope you guys get what you need at a good price.

I hate septics.We have one and I am the one who deals with the open sand pit when it clogs,ugh!
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Thank you so much. My parents are awesome people, everyone loves them. I told someone the other day that I have never heard either of my parents yell at anyone in my entire life. I just find that amazing, I don't even remember them really ever having an argument as a child either. I am sure that they did but it obviously didn't last long and they never made a big deal about it. I have been so very blessed with such a wonderful family.

I go to the bank tomorrow morning to see what we can get pre-qualified for so we should know more then. I am nervous, I doubt I will sleep much tonight.
That is really nice of you to be willing to help your friend. What a blessing for her to have someone like you in her life. We actually had another blessing with the septic, the person who works in the office worked really hard to figure out the mess that we had from long before his time and he found out that there was an error and two plots of land were switched so he got it all straightened out and our spot passed with flying colors and he gave us our money for the survey back since he was able to resolve it before he came out here.

I am very glad that I have never had to deal with our septic being clogged.
I sooo don't envy you that job.
Well, we have had pretty bad news all day today.
We can't find anyone willing to do the loan for a mobile home that is going to have to be moved to our property. I have talked to a dozen loan agents today and they all say "if it was a modular, it wouldn't be a problem" or "if it was already set up on the permanent foundation it would be fine" also if it was new and this would be the first location it would work...but nobody will loan us the money so that we can buy it where it is and move it one mile down the road to our land. I am sooo upset, I don't think I even realized how very much I want out of this house.

I am trying to tell myself that it obviously just wasn't meant to be. This wasn't "our" house, but it just isn't working right now..... sometimes life just isn't fair.

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