Couldn't wait... had to get chicks!! * PIC HEAVY* Genders???

They're beautiful! Our little guys we just got (in the pix) are only supposed to be 4 days old and they're allready starting to feather out, its amazing how fast they are growing!
Are those your first chicks? The seven I ordered will be my first. I was supposed to only get 4 hens, but I couldn't resist having 5, or 6, or 7... I first was only going to get 5 clean legged bantams, but those Orpingtons and Faverolles looked so cute! I've succumbed to chicken math, and I don't even have them yet!
yes, these are my first chickens. I have been wanting chickens for a couple years now and just got my family conviced that they are a good idea.. The main reason I got interested in them is for self sustainability, with how our economy is heading.. I've set my chicken limit to 15, which is MORE than enough to provide our family of 4 with eggs and sell some on the side, ducks will be next year but I plan on only getting about 5 hens and 1 drake. I did a project for a class I took on abuse/neglect to livestock before slaughter, between the underground info I got from that (including video and camera footage) and the colapse of the economy I figure we cant really go wrong! :)
Australorp ($2.75)
Buff Orpington ($2.75)
Easter Egger ($3.00)
White Leghorn ($2.75)
Partridge Plymouth Rock ($3.00)
Speckled Sussex ($3.00)
Silver Laced Wyandotte ($3.00)
Welsummer ($4.00)
Light Brahma ($3.00)
Barred Plymouth Rock ($2.75)
those are what I ordered from MPC.
Yeah, I got 1 Buff Orp., 1 Salmon Faverolles, and 5 assorted clean legged bantams. I hope a get an Orloff banty!
Great choice for a school project by the way! I was thinking of doing something similar for my 4-H presentation.
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If I could I would have about 30 chickens and a bunch more breeds! But I know that I have to control my chicken math because we don't have the space and I know that ultimately they will suffer and that's not fair to them, I know they're "only" chickens but I don't like any animals to be neglected or overlooked. I really wanted a salmon favorelle... maybe down the road.. they're pretty... Well, my little girlie is only 19 months so she will be able to grow up with small scale livestock which will be fun!
Good for her! I wishi could have grown up with livestock. My town has a limit of 12 birds, but my mom will only let me have 7. I think the best way to raise a child, is with animals. I may be far too young to raise children, but I know growing up with pets teaches person values of responsibility, and respect for other creatures, that cannot be taught without pets. Good luck with your birds and your girl!
Thank you very much! I am young as well but feel that in order to teach my little girl the very best I can, I need to take advantage of the area we live and teach her "the old ways" raising animals and veggies for food, respect for ALL living beings, and just a general way to survive off the land (the basics). I figure the more she knows about nature and living off of it the better, I mean you can't really go wrong by knowing how to fend for yourself and be self sufficient.. I called the town office before I even considered livestock because we have seasonal neighbors that find a lot of faults in ppl, and like to cause troubles.. We are lucky in that there are no laws against owning ANY type of livestock in my town.
I live in a shore town, so our laws are strict to a point. The only livestock you can own is one pot bellied pig per home. It also must be kept on a leash when off of your property. You can also own certain types of poultry. Our town limit is 12 chickens. Roosters are allowed, and can only be taken from you, if out of control. I know you can keep ducks too, but I'm not sure how many. I dont know of you can keep any other kinds of poultry. Our laws only forbid the ownership of cows, horses, pigs (except pot bellied), sheep, goats, ect. It doesn't say much about poultry, and I actually had to ask my uncle who is a cop about the laws. He wasnt sure what the rules against other poultry are, only chickens. I feel kids who grow up with animals are nicer. Kids today are so mean, they should all grow up with livestock. People with pets also live longer! I know I am moving to a farm when I am older, because I can't stand my fishbowl of a town, and all the nasty people in it. I hope your daughter learns something from growing up with pets. It is the best experience a parent could offer.
we're out in the middle of no-where.. We pass tractors almost daily on the road, one was pulled over a few weeks ago by the police.. I was even driving down the road a few years ago and a whole croud of ppl were running down the road, come to find out they were chasing pigs that had gotten loose hahaha!!! we share the road with horses, I've scene horse drawn carriages... ppl ducks and chickens free range ALL over the place! I've come close to hitting a muscovy duck, various chickens, and a goose... we've got it all in our area haha!

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