County Line Hypocrisy


In the Brooder
Apr 10, 2020
So, my Midwest rural village of 4200 does not allow chickens within city limits. I live in city limits. The local library, schools, stores, or gas station, which are also in city limits, are located east of my residence. When I go to any of these places I must pass a home that is essentially on my street with a different name. The street makes an S curve and for each curve they renamed the street. So as I come around the east end curve of the stretch of road I live on the south side of that road is considered county and they can have livestock/chickens.

Also, as you continue in to town to the store and turn on to Main St to get to our store the homes here are also considered county and have horses and chickens. I live on the last road physically leaving anything that resembles town on an acre lot. Neighbors are far apart but we can’t have chickens.

Someone tried to pass an ordinance 10 years ago. It was well planned but denied. I just don’t have it in me to fight these people.
Would you be willing to relocate? I never realized all the nitpicky things cities have until I joined BYC. I live out in the country where my neighbors board horses and so I assumed we can have chickens (we can). Sorry to hear your situation, I can only imagine your frustration.
That's zoning for ya. This is why I caution everyone considering chickens to find out their parcel code/designation and look at that in conjunction with ordinances because rules can change from one house to the next. For example I can have thousands of chickens, but neighbors just down the road might be limited to only 3. We're under the same zoning ordinances but their parcel code is different.

And in both of my last two residences I lived in little pockets that belonged to one city (A) but had to drive through another city (B) to get access back into city A. The only access was through B. Makes no sense to me. :confused:

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