Couple chicks from Valley Co-Op


7 Years
Jul 15, 2012
Gooding, Idaho
My Coop
My Coop
I don;t know if you can tell from puffball pictures with out being feathered out yet. I've been looking all over at pics of chicks. I forgot to ask what kind of chicks I was getting the other day. I know the Cornish X ones. And the red are Sagittas. I've got three though that I'm not sure of. One is a yellow with a black spot on it's head and a black splot on it's back. The wing feathers are coming in white with one little black/white feather. The other two are yellows that looks like they rolled around in soot. Their under fluff is yellow and one has a darker grey-ish head. Their wing feathers are coming in white.


Smudge 1

Smudge 2

The all yellows are the cornish x. Here is smudge 2 second from the left down in front

Smudgy center front

Well I spent hours looking at chick pictures. Hubby and I are sharing a truck right now. He works nights and I'm on days so I haven't had a chance to stop by Valley. I did find pics of White Plymouth chicks that look Just like them. And I know one of the breeds was White Somethings.

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