Couple of questions......


9 Years
Mar 20, 2015
Northwest USA
Hey yall, i have couple of questions.

I have eight girls, 2 BR, 2 Australorps, 2 Easter Eggers and 2RIR Bantams. My br's and banties are 25 weeks old. Australorps and EE's are 21 weeks old. Is it normal for banties to mature slower? All of my girls but the banties are laying.

A question on chicken noise. One of my Australorps just started laying and is singing the egg song loudly ever morning. No complaints from the nieghbors and i can legally have ten hens. Should i worry about it? Will she quiet down with time? Dont want to be a bad nieghbor but i love the sound. I have taken to locking them up until about 8am every morning. Anything else I shiould think about? Wife says i worry too much......
Bantams have been selected and bred for 'pretty'. As such their production is nowhere near that of production type birds. Some hens remain vocal throughout their laying cycle - others calm down.

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