cow's milk

Beekissed is right on with her comments. I will add though that goats milk is very different than cows milk and many people with allergies get relief when on goats milk also. Babies that have lots of ear infections who are switched to goats milk almost always stop having ear infections. It has other health properties that are very beneficial also.

Edited for spelling.
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Well here recently my lil 1 yo has had a virus which has caused diarreha and so I took her off diary products until she's better, well I knew from the get go that night time without a night bah bah was going to be murder! So I got her some of hat Silk soy milk. She drinks t lie its nothin and so I had my ds and dh try it and they liked it, now me on the other hand, nah. It taste funny to me, but then I looked back on the actual amount of milk that I do "drink" and I don't use it in coffee, I rarely eat cereal, and I only like milk with oreos and if it's chocolate. So I guess I could actually not ever have milk as far as I'm concerned. But something tells me that goats milk would be bitter and would stink. And if it stinks, Im not gonna taste it! So I donno, I think that I could drink my own cows milk if I had one and if I pastureized it! Im not agains that, Im more used to cattle anyway, the only relationship I've had with goats is, goat tying in High School Rodeo. I think I might join Backyardcows and find out what I can.
Go for it!

I would encourage you not to give up on goats milk though until you've been to a farm where they milk goats and tried some of their fresh goats milk. Just make sure the goats are not on pasture but contained with consistent feeding as there can be such a difference in the taste that way.
Tell that to my neighbors bull (probably 4-5 yrs old)!!! He does get swatted by the "ladies" regularly for his trouble.

Since drinking raw milk (goat) my allergies are not as bad and neither is my asthma. We drink only raw goat milk and we have a jersey cow also but am not milking her at this time. She just produces more than we can drink.
If the container or the way you milk isnt clean it can have a goaty taste. I wash the udder and then milk and strain into a glass container...dont use plastic as it holds and makes it taste bad. I cool my goats milk as fast as I can ...that way it keeps longer. I belong to and and there are alot of people Texas that have goats and sell also. You can learn alot about goats there...
Well, for about a day and a1/2 lil dd has been well and no diarreha, so I'll slowly put her back on reg milk from store. It dosn't make any sense to buy 2 different types of milk. I'm still very interested in getting either a cow for milking or a goat. I remember one time watching wife swap on tv and this one family lived on a farm and lived off of thier own land ect. and milked thier cows, and I do recall them sitting down at the dinner table with a big ol glass of clumpy milk stuff. Why was that? I would like to know of a round about price for a dairy calf or baby dairy goat girl. If I got one I would want to raise it myself.
Prices are going to vary hugely depending on where you buy the calf or kid. By where, I mean, what part of the country you live in and what prices are around there. I haven't priced milk calves... ever, around here but a good quality milking doeling (Alpine or Nubian) around here will sell for between $75 to $200.

Although you can have just one cow... you need to have at least 2 goats. If you only want to milk one, then get a wether as company for her. Goats are very, very social and need another animal (preferably a goat) to play with and be with or they can actually end up with health issues. Not to mention that a lonely goat is a bored goat and a bored goat can get itself into all sorts of trouble.

Edited because I wanted to address the lumpy milk! Yukky!! I have no idea what you were seeing, milk from cows or goats should never be lumpy. Now, fresh milk can have cream in it or it can be 'foamy' looking. Maybe that's what you were seeing?
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if the milk has a weird taste there is something seriously wrong at the dairy you worked for.

I think organic whole milk would taste funny to someone used to what they sell in the store! What is sold in the stores taste nothing at all like the whole, raw milk I was raised on. So bland and bought...bah! Nothing in the world like whole, raw, creamy milk on blackberry cobbler! MMMMmmmmmmmmmm!

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