Coydogs What to Do?

I have had the same problem here in NJ. Our coyote population is out of control. If they are howling they are coyotes. I tried the pee pee trick lol. It did not work. The only thing that worked was my .22. I actually missed one today as it was sneaking up on the flock as the were trying to get out of the rain under a pine tree. Coyotes will hunt daylight hours and are very braisin. I have had them circle me and the coop until the rifle goes off. No fear unlike a fox. My coop is very secure and they stand no chance getting in after its locked. But these buggers come around as my flock is freeranging the farm. I dont like to kill anything on the farm. I put up with most animals even in the garden. But my chickens depend on me to protect them. So I do my best. 5 coyotes have fallen to my .22 since week after easter. 1 fox. This is the first coyote I have seen in over a month. I think the word is getting out lol. STAY AWAY FROM STEVE'S FARM!
Thats where you are wrong! Coydogs are real. Coyotes will mate with dogs when there is no other coyote mate to mate with. I run a trap line here in Ky and have caught 3 in the last 5 years.

This usually happens when hunting pressure is high in an area to keep the population low. I will see if I can find you a pic of one(found it!)!

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Thats where you are wrong! Coydogs are real. Coyotes will mate with dogs when there is no other coyote mate to mate with. I run a trap line here in Ky and have caught 3 in the last 5 years.

This usually happens when hunting pressure is high in an area to keep the population low. I will see if I can find you a pic of one!

I was pretty sure that this "fact" was going to be challenged. I am not an expert on coyotes or coy dogs but have witnessed the mating of a coyote and a domestic dog. There were no offspring so cannot personally attest to the fact or fiction of the coupling producing pups.

I certainly have heard many speak of this cross however.
Believe it or not, 'coydog' are the latest fad and are considered a 'designer' breed. Same mindset as the wolf hybrid. For the love that all is wild, cull the varmit.
Btw, Coyotes and dogs will run the fence line before going through it. two 18 inch stakes drove in the ground in a "V" shape attached to a good heavy steel trap set about 10 inches from the fence bedded tight, a little wax paper over the trigger and some loose dry dirt over it equals something caught in the act of getting your chickens..
Please stay on topic.

It seems to me that dogs and coyotes are more or less capable of the same kind of attack on a coop and a person's birds. Whether or not a coydog exists isn't really relevant to helping the OP.

Therefore, let's try to figure out some ways that the OP can protect the birds, whether the predator is a coyote, a dog, or a coydog.
We have terrible troubles with coyotes here. The only thing to do is to build your coop strong, and lock them in early. Don't let the chicks out past dusk. Run hardware cloth instead of chicken wire, and make sure your coop is latched tight.

Keeping a medium to large size dog will not dissuade coyotes. We have 2 very big outside dogs, and we still get yotes in right up by the house. The dogs stay out of the coyotes way. My husband also pees around the coop, and as far as we can tell, it does nothing to stop any predators. We regularly catch opossum, raccoon and coyotes prowling around on the game cam.

We keep the 30.06 and the .22 right over the back door. Only day you can't hunt coyotes in our area is Christmas day. We shoot to kill when we can and actually get a few bucks off the pelts.

Good luck-
We have coyotes REALLY bad here, I'm on the edge of the wilderness so we have a few packs that run through their routes by our house. Plus we have no fence on the farm. I'm sure there are at least 2 packs with at least 10 and probably more like 20 members each.

One night I heard so much commotion I went to the window and there was just black blurs darting across my driveway almost every second... there were so many of them! They were chasing and being chased by the local dogs...

I have been worried they would try to get my rabbits and chickens, so I ended up with two REALLY big dogs... One was a rescue from the Indian Reservation, so he knows how to handle himself, if there is only one coyote he will chase it down and kill it, but if there is two he will just go to the edge of the property and bark... he is so smart... we got another dog to back him up and learn from him just in case. He weighs 110 pounds and she is 125.

We also keep a gun by the backdoor just in case.

Haven't lost a rabbit or chicken yet!

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