Coyote Problem *Update* w/ graphic pic


10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
Central Virginia
Well, we finally have a real predator problem here. Over the years we have had minor egg eating snake problems, a possum, and a fox. Each incident was isolated and we learned from it. Our coop is 100% predator proof; covered from head to toe in 1/4" thick hardware cloth, the doors lock with sliding locks, and there isn't a 1/2" gap on the entire thing. We've even got the hardware cloth on the run buried a few feet in the ground, and on the outside and inside of the run, are big, heavy rocks guarding the hardware cloth. A dog would have to dig for 24 hours before it could get inside that thing.

Now that I've gone on and on about how predator proofed we are, here is the problem. I like to let the chickens out to free range. The run is big and great and keeps them safe, but it just isn't the same as letting them free range. If I don't feel safe letting them out all day, I at least like to let them out in the afternoons when I get home from work. From the kitchen, I can keep a pretty good eye on them. We have never had problems with predators coming around when we are home.

Now there is a coyote that has been coming around for the last 5 days. He is VERY bold. He has come as close as probably 20 feet away from the house. Two days ago I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, and DH decided to go for a run. He wasn't gone 10 minutes before the coyote came into the yard and was chasing a chicken. I heard some squawking and looked out the window, and there he was chasing a chicken not 20 feet away from the door! I didn't have a gun on me since I was cooking, and fortunately he ran off as soon as he heard me coming out, but I still think that is a little too bold for my taste! That thing had to have been watching and waiting for DH to leave.

Anyone have any advice on how to kill this thing? I know for sure it was a coyote, and he has gotten 3 of our chickens now and that is 3 too many. We started hearing a pack of them in the woods about a 1/4 mile away this spring, and DH saw a few of them hiding around our barns a few months ago too. I've got kittens, cats, chickens, and a small dog to worry about! Fortunately they don't seem to have bothered the horses. I'm 8 months pregnant right now too, and I don't need coyotes in my backyard!

Any advice would be appreciated!
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well I don't know were you are but ill shoot some ideas at you
1 a fence around your property works well
2 bait it in with raw chicken them shoot it
3 live trap it then shoot it
4 electric fence your property
5 get a wolf or two (yes I had wolves with my animals) just like any animal it takes training but they never hurt any of my livestock and they LOVE to get rid of coyotes
hope these ideas help you and GOOD LUCK!
Thanks for the ideas! The property is too big to fence in (either wood or electric). The yard kind of backs up to our horse pastures and hay fields, and it just wouldn't be feasible. DH tried to bait it in yesterday and the day before, but the wind hasn't been in our favor. We are definitely going to get a bigger trap to try and trap it/shoot it, but are they dumb enough to get stuck in a trap?

We are definitely interested in getting some sort of protection animal. We might get a great pyrenees or an australian sheepdog sometime soon.

DH is picking up a coyote call tonight. I didn't know that donkeys scared them off?!?!
Little donkeys will chase them down and stop them, this applies to domestic dogs too.

My neighbor killed some of the coyotes in our area because they were coming up in his yard and harassing his kennelled dog. This is just a stone's throw away from where my chicken houses are. They never bothered my birds, but it probably would only have been a matter of time.

I would pick out a good hiding spot where you can see them, but they can't see you. Then you can call them in and pick them off.
Donkeys heartily disapprove of members of the dog family. They'll usually run them off (or stomp them to death if they can catch them). Lots of people around here keep them in with their sheep, goats, and cattle as extra protection for the herd. You CAN trap a coyote, though you run the risk of catching something else (like someone's pet) if using a leg-hold trap. In our area people seem to have the best luck baiting or using a coyote call and them shooting them. Meanwhile don't let your pets out at night or (if the cats are barn cats) make sure they've got places they can get into or on so they have a chance to get away. I've got Jack Russells and they are NEVER allowed out at night without being on a leash or in a fenced area with adult supervision; Coyotes are famous for taking household pets. Good luck with your efforts!
Thanks everyone! This really helps!

We would never use a leg trap, as we've got WAY too many other critters around. We have a domestic dog, but unfortunately she is no good for anything, other than groveling, begging, and being petted (a beagle). haha

I never knew a donkey would do that, but I imagine we may get one, as we have plenty of room in the horse pasture that backs up to the woods.

I can't really bring all the pets inside at night, but our two barn cats and dog sleep on the front porch at night. I'm hoping we can pick this thing off before we get to the point where he is on our porch. There are also plenty of trees for the cats to climb and multiple two story barns for them to hide in.

DH is picking up a coyote call as we speak (er.. type... lol)!
there are a number of fairly good trappers out your way The commonwealth has a list

the drop down box has the counties listed there should be quiet a few near you good luck

one of the best baits there is is powdered sugar 19 parts and 1 part corn syrup I use it all the time for yote most folks do not know what a sweet tooth they have they also like melons persimmions and half rotten fish
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