coyotes getting more brazen! what to do?

Good advice. Techincally though, if you and your family feel threatened or the coyotes are going after your livestock, you are allowed to try to get rid of them.

While 100% true the laws in different areas are different. Here we can live trap or hunt nuisance animals only with the proper permit. Now if I catch the animal attacking I can shoot it without anything. Just easier to have the permit from the get go. Cross your t and dot your i type of junk. I hunt and trap anyways so I buy my licenses anyways.
we have a farm with 3 homes on it, and woodlands and hay fields. Cannot be fenced easily due to woods, streams, size. Coyote attacked one of our dogs, she is ok now. They got a few chickens that free range on nice weather days. Son and SIL have set snares, food traps, and hunted but haven't got even 1. Does anyone have a coyote deterrent or magic solution? This morning they were within 10 ft of hubby going to his truck!
Sorry about this but maybe try a BB gun at coyotes when you see them. I have fake owls with heads that turn, a moving scarecrow that is wearing an Alabama hat & shirt with pants & gloves, ( I’d have to takes pic of it cuz the guy that did it was pretty clever. He used metal fence post tied together somehow. Also I have old cd’s that are attached to strings that twirl from the trees. I have the predator lights in different areas but I also don’t let my chickens free range all over the grounds because they will always be at risk for predators. Coyotes will prefer a moving animal to a food laced trap.
That’s the best I have for now, good luck
the chickens are in Fort Knox now--larger run and are allowed out only when we are out---they are taken care of. My real worry is for the 3 dogs and now apparently not too fearful of grown men! Son and SIL have shot to get them away when our dogs are out, but they haven't successfully hunted any yet

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