Coyotes got my ducks 😭

Unfortunately nothing but ducks can replace ducks, and it's not the season to get any new ducklings, and honestly, I just can't go thru it again... This isn't the place to raise ducks anyways.

They had a short but sweet life.

Kinda makes me jealous cause ****, this life thing is too ****ing dragged out and bs.

And the ducks are ****ed.

So what the ****
I think going back to not trying and not caring and not bothering with the imaginary fluff of happy be stuff that isn't real anyways in life, well, that's actual life, so whatever.

Humans is gonna genocide itself into oblivion soon anyways, so I guess I'll just wait my turn to be a part of that.

And feathered creatures are for special people with special places they live and special privledges to things other than dirt and cacti and stinging insects and everything that's alive here is geared to inflict pain and death upon every other thing..... So hey. Yay the desert.

I’m so very sorry about your ducks. I love my ducks dearly and know how much it hurts to lose even one let alone a whole flock. This happened to me a few years back. Sadly I lost my whole flock but luckily was able to hatch their eggs. I know it hurts and it will for a long time. I sincerely hope things get better for you. If you ever need someone to talk to or listen, you are welcome to pm me. :hugs
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Hi pls help I candled my quail eggs 3 of them has large normal cells but the other 3 has extremely small air cells what’ll I do to regrow or help them pls answer!

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