Cracked Duck Eggs... Drakes?


Oct 7, 2018
New Zealand
My 6 ducklings hatched out this time last year (3M/3F), the girls have been laying since early February and around June (middle of winter for us) 8 ducklings hatched and we sold 4.
Since then we have culled the three original drakes (never were aggressive or damaged eggs), all 4 of the new ducklings turned out to be drakes (2 if these are on the chopping block soon).
So I have never had issues with damaged eggs before, my girls move them hide them stockpile them and they are never damaged. Over the last week I have been finding eggs lying out in the middle of the yard, and have started getting "Dented" eggs.
The four drakes we have are only just getting interested in mating (hence the chopping block soon) but they are not aggressive at all and have not seen them in the nests. One of my girls though is quite opinionated and did attack the new ducklings when they hatched, but never has gone for the eggs before.
I am in New Zealand so preditors are few and far between and my ducks have always free ranged in my yard.
I use the eggs a lot for baking etc so having cracked ones is not ideal.
Any ideas on why this is happening would be great. :)


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I recently got a damaged egg from my Pekin mix. It looked a lot like yours. I've got one drakelet, one cockerel (who thinks he's a duck) and five young female ducks. I'm curious about the answer too.
I find eggs out in odd places and sometimes dented because when they drop them out on the ground they tend to break crack or dent. Once In a while I’ll find one that isn’t. My drakes don’t mess with the eggs other than look at them so maybe it’s a passing bird or rodent but that usually means some insides are eaten. It’s only my Runners an Buffs that lay on the move around the property. My Muscovy lay inside the coop in the bedding.
Ok so I am completely convinced it is hedgehogs eating them. Guess it took them a bit to figure out how to get in past the eggs tough shell. Have since found eggs with the inside eaten, and same shaped holes as the dents on the other eggs. Hadn't had an issue I'm guessing because the hedgehogs had been in hibernation. :(
Awwww that’s unfortunate!

On another note: it's so interesting to hear about the different types of predator problems (whether animal or egg)on here from different parts of the world.

Being in Canada a hedgehog problem kinda makes me laugh a little at the thought. I don’t mean to offend you at all and I’m not laughing at your misfortune just the thought of these little creature trying to break open eggs is funny to me.
:lau "hobbits" lmao.. made me laugh so much. It is true though with how many meals hobbits are known to have :gig.
Yes I read about everyone battling foxes, raccoons, snakes, eagles etc and I think I could not even deal with any of that... I would be a nervous wreck, not to mention I couldnt have my duck babies just running about my back section with as little issues as I do.
Hedgehogs though are like in my top favourite as far as animals go, so it pains me to be angry at one (or a bunch).
My alpha duckie girl "Kitten" has hid a nest in the flax and by my calculations whatever eggs are still living they are due early next week. Kitten is a real A-hole tho, she is the bossiest, loudest most opinionated duck I have ever seen so I'm not too worried about her babies... I could imagine her quacking violently at the hedgehogs and just rolling them out of there :lol:.

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