Cracked eggs in incubator?

Well, my cracked egg (which was cracked before I started incubating it) hatched last night. It didn't have all its yolk absorbed. I placed it on a paper towel, hoping it would stay there and not drag the yolk across the wire on the bottom of my 'bator. No such luck. I woke up to find it dead this morning. Poor little thing, made it all the way through the 21 days, hatched and passed away for the effort
AWEE sorry to hear that, I was really rooting for him. DANG...
Eh, its just the way it goes sometimes.

aart- I would've stuck it in a cup, but I just didn't have room for one. I had more eggs in the 'bator than I probably should have (I was hoping all the eggs would keep the little thing put too).
I have eggs at different stages in my incubator and I noticed today there is an egg that would be at day 13 has cracked by itself. What does this mean
I'd be concerned that it's a stinker. Are you SURE it's at day 13? Have you candled it recently? Is it alive with a moving chick? Are the eggs in an automatic turner? Perhaps packed in tight enough that there was some stress on it? Take it out, candle it very carefully, see if the chick is alive. Is there any liquid, including any droplets oozing out of it? Unless you are positive that it's alive, you might want to cull that one, if it is truly a spontaneous crack and not attributed to any kind of injury.
It was oozing it is an automatic Turner there was plenty of space so I got rid of it. It was starting to get smelly
I dropped my one and it has a small crack I candles yesterday and the lil guy is moving around he is due to hatch in a few days:)
I hope it is ok to bring up an old thread. My eggs came today. 3 have hairline cracks. You can tell where the stress point is. Do I just wax the stress point or all of the tiny cracks?
I don’t have any birthday candles. I have a taper candle or bees wax beads.

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