Crafters- What are you making???

I didn't like it, so I pawned it off to Cyn!

I am working on getting Cyn's quilt top on the rack tonight! I hope to have it quilted and in the mail back to Georgia this week!
Kathy, I have enjoyed just looking at and touching all the wonderful fabric you sent. I have several projects I'll be working on in the next few months, but this purple and gold one will be my spring/summer quilt for my bed and the one you're so graciously machine quilting for me will be my fall/winter quilt.
Funny that you say that ... because I, too, love to sit and look at and touch my fabric! Crazy as it sounds, I just love it! It makes me happy! I do the same thing with all my quilt books, magazines, and literature. I guess I am just a dreamer!
I just started needle felting. This is my second critter:
He still needs beads for his eyes. My first was a rabbit that I gave to a friend without taking a picture.
I just spent all of 30 minutes making a mini quilt. It's the perfect size for a small doll/ teddy bear. I just didn't want the fabric remnants to go to waste and wanted to practice doing a quilt besides a rag quilt and stitching in the ditch. This is what I got.


It's a little over 1' square and has a solid black back. Also has the heart in the center square like my big quilt. Mom claims it's going to be my signature, but it's just fun to do.


I LOVE the needle felt!

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