Crafters- What are you making???

SunnyDawn Just saw a picture of the hat that you made that is soooo cute. Every one's projects are here are so creative. It's raining here again
in sunny northern California and I really wish I was home doing something creative and not having to process payroll here at work. Oooo guess that means I better get off here and back to work - but just had to comment on how wonderful every one's things are.

That's really cute!

Tonight, I finished my purple & gold quilt!
Will put Kathy's name (she pieced it except for the final border) and my name on the back and date it tomorrow and hopefully, will have a picture outside in natural light for you.
In the past 6 months I've made 6 sets of drapes. I have 6 picture windows I need to drape and I only have 2 more to go. I'm currently quilting a floor length picture window and 2 side windows with a hill scene for my classic pooh future baby room.

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