~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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This Auction ends in 1 hour and 3 minutes.
Auction #1 6 mixed color sizzle eggs. Auction starting at $5 with shipping $13.00 These eggs are ready to go out tomorrow so the auction will end at noon central time tomorrow and payment is expected immediately at auctions end so I can get them out to the PO before the last truck leaves. Below are pics of the ones in the sizzle pen. There is a paint sizzle hen, black sizzle hen, silver laced smooth sizzle hen and partridge sizzle hen with a grey silkie roo with them. Paypal addy is [email protected]

Auction #2

6 SQ silkie eggs from self blue hens and porcelain roo. These have won in shows. Auction starting at $5 with shipping at $13.00 I've gotten splash, self blue and some very light, almost lavender. I haven't kept any long enough to find out if when they moulted that they did turn out to be lavender. One of the hens has splash in her background and her chicks mostly turn out to be splash. One of them was entered in a show and won 2nd place in BV.

These eggs are also ready to go. Auction ends at noon central time friday and payment is expected at auctions end so I can get them out before the last truck leaves. Paypal addy is [email protected]

Auction #3
3 project eggs. non crested blue sizzle hen with a WC blue bantam polish roo. and 3 paint silkie eggs. SQ black hen is laying with a paint roo. Same thing applies to this auction as the other two. It ends at noon central time friday. payment expected at auctions end. Paypal addy [email protected]

These 2 are how the ones that frizzle have been looking like. They look white in the pic but they are lav. I've gotten a variety of colors like blue, black, splash and lav. Some turn out smooth with a silkie tail, some look like silkies and some are frizzled. Every egg I set hatches. I have some hatching now.

The 2 pics of the hen are the same hen. The roo does have black spots just not alot. You can see some in the pic. He has more than what can be seen in the pic. The hen won 2nd place as a pullet in BV. She's entered in another show next month along with her mother.

If somebody bids and wins on more than 1 auction the shipping will be $15.00 even if they win all 3 auctions. That way you know what to send to my paypal to avoid any delays.
I have a few auctions for eggs. I have tested fertility and fertility is great. All eggs are growing in my bator. Unfortanely my bator is full with all the eggs I have coming in. so I need to offer these up. All eggs will ship Monday, Tuesday or Weds. When the weather breaks enough to ship safely. Shipping: $12.00

Auction #1
6+ Silkie eggs from my Pen: Black Sizzle silkie hen, Blue Sizzle silkie hen, Paint Sizzle silkie hen & 4 Black Hens. The roo is from a paint breeding. Starting Bid: $10.00

Auction #2
6+ Silkied Serama Eggs from both Pens: Pen #1 Silkied serama only, Pen #2 Silkied serama over silkied girls, Chocolate smooth girl, Chocolate Frizzled girl. Starting Bid: $15.00

Auction #3
6+ EE & OE Eggs- Starting Bid: $10.00
I have 3 roosters over my ee & Oe girls. I have a LF black copper marans roo Feather Shanked and a EE bantam & OE roo Bantam. All my girls are EE & OE Bantams.

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