~~Crazy 24hr Auction~~

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are these black bred black as in not blue, black, splash bred! If so, double need them
are these black bred black as in not blue, black, splash bred! If so, double need them

black to black
I've got 6+ SQ Splash Silkie eggs up for auction. The roo is from Bobbi Porto stock and has won 1st in BV. The hens I bought locally at an auction so I don't know their lienage but they are also SQ. Starting bid is $5 with shipping at $13.00 They will go in the mail Monday.
Ill bid $5. I've never owned one and recently hatched out a few for a friend and they're so stinking cute!
are these black bred black as in not blue, black, splash bred! If so, double need them

Should it matter? Black from black is the same genetically as black from BBS, unless carrying for some autosomal recessive color such as lavender, or something sex-linked like chocolate...is there a reason one would be preferable over the other? Just wondering...
Most breeders of Black birds will not use Blacks that came from blue.... they say the color is not as nice. I personally have never breed blacks so I have not seen it.... but have read others personal claims of the lack of something when breed with blues.
Quote: I run two lines in the Jersey and don't cross the BBS into the true black. I do go the other way and put black-breds over blues but don't normally keep the black pullets for the exhibition line (they go into the layer line if good enough) If you look at the blues they tend to be 'fluffier' and appear to be shorter backed -- in a long backed preferred outline. I made the mistake when I didn't have a mentor and lost the quality of my blacks because I mixed the breeding sets and now years later I can never find ones as good as the old ones that I bought as older birds and don't know where they came from. I don't have enough experience in the Orps to know but would rather play it close and see after screwing up on my own before =:~) I am too inexperienced to argue with the old-timers now that I have a few in my chicken life.
Ok so it's more about where the BBS originated and the quality of those lines than the actually genetics of the black...got it
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